Update Corral Selection

Some Races ask participants to select a Corral when they register. Of these Races, some will additionally allow participants to adjust their Corral selection after they have already registered. If this is the case, you can follow the steps provided below. 

If you do not see the "Corral" tab in your "Manage Registration" page, that means that this Race does not have this feature enabled.

How to Update Your Corral Selection

Begin by logging into your account, and go to your “Profile” page. On the “Profile” page, see Races under Upcoming Events. This shows a list of all Race(s) that are coming up. You are able to manage the registration for the Race by clicking "Manage Registration".


From the Race Menu (either at the top of the page or at the left hand side menu, click Corral.



Select the corral that you would like to transfer into from the dropdown menu, and then click Save Changes.


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