Upload Your Own Photos

Photo Upload Limits

  • Photo uploads should be less than 5 Megabytes (MB) for best results.
  • The following filetypes are accepted: JPG, PNG and GIF.

IMPORTANT: RunSignup is committed to protecting the identity of minors. At this time, participants must be over the age of 18 to upload photos. You can read more about our efforts here: https://runsignup.blog/2017/09/21/19841/

RunSignup offers a multitude of options for you to submit your own photos. Below are the three options available


Upload Photos After Submitting Your Results/Activity

You can upload your own photos after you submit your results or log your activities. You can learn how to submit your results here.

Once you successfully submit your results, you will be taken to a confirmation page. You can then select Submit Your Photos 

Then select Upload Images and either drag and drop or browse for the image files.

When you are ready to save the uploads, click the I'm Finished Uploading button, and they will be uploaded (try refreshing the page if you do not see them in your album immediately).


Upload Photos from the Race Page

You can upload your photos directly to the race by heading to the RunSignup Race Page and selecting the Photos tab.

You will then want to use the search and find your registration information. You can search by bib number, first, and/or last name.

Once you find yourself, you can click View Photos.

Then select Upload Images and either drag and drop or browse for the image files.

When you are ready to save the uploads, click the I'm Finished Uploading button, and they will be uploaded (try refreshing the page if you do not see them in your album immediately).


Upload Photos from Your Result Page

Additionally, you can upload your own photos from your individual result. To find your individual result page, head to the RunSignup race page and select the Result tab > be sure you are on the correct result set your result falls into and search for your name or bib number > click into your own result > then select Photos

Be sure you are on the correct result set your result falls into, then you can search for your result by entering in your bib number or name. 

Once you find your own result, click into the result and then select Photos.

Then select Upload Images and either drag and drop or browse for the image files.

When you are ready to save the uploads, click the I'm Finished Uploading button, and they will be uploaded (try refreshing the page if you do not see them in your album immediately).


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