Add a Club Membership Discount

How to Add a Club Membership Discount

Club membership discounts allow you to offer special pricing options to registrants who are also members of a club on RunSignUp. Club membership discounts can be customized to be made available to members of any club you have created on RunSignUp, as well as any or all other clubs that exist on RunSignUp. This tutorial will help you set up these types of club discounts.

Club Membership Discounts

Club membership discounts allow you to offer special pricing options to registrants who are also members of a club on RunSignUp.Club membership discounts can be customized to be made available to members of any club you have created on RunSignUp, as well as any or all other clubs that exist on RunSignUp.You can set up these discounts by going to the “Race Info” tab of the race dashboard, and opening up the subheading for “Club Membership Discounts”.


Adding a Discount

Once under the “Club Membership Discount” subheading, you can begin by clicking the button marked “Add a Discount”.At this point, multiple fields will be made available for you to customize the settings of your club membership discount.

Discount Information

Using the calendar and clock provided, enter in the “Effective From” date and time, which will dictate when this discount can start being redeemed. Then, using the following calendar and clock, set the “Effective Until” date and time, in order to specify when this discount will no longer be redeemable.

Next, decide upon the “Discount Amount”.


Club membership discounts can be set up to offer a fixed discount, a discount percentage, or both. If you would like to offer a fixed discount, such as $5.00 or $10.00 off, then use the dollar amount field to set your desired fixed discount amount. If you would like to set up a discount percentage, such as 25% or 50% off, then use the percentage field to indicate the specific discount percentage you would like that club membership to offer. If you would like to offer both a fixed discount and a discount percentage, for instance $10.00 off and a 50% discount, then enter in each field accordingly.

Note: In cases where both a fixed discount and a discount percentage are enabled, the fixed discount will be applied first, and the discount percentage will be calculated after.For instance, if a $10.00 fixed discount coupled with a 50% discount percentage were applied to a $100.00 transaction, then the coupon code would make the transaction $45.00, because 50% of $90.00 is $45.00.

Limit By Specific Events

If you would like to limit the Club Membership discounts to specific events, check this box. The list of events for your Race will appear for you to choose in limiting by specific events.


Applicable Clubs

In the “Applicable Clubs” section, you are given the ability to select which club’s or clubs’ members can accept this discount.

There are 3 options for you to select the applicable clubs for your club discount:

  1. Allow Any Club - This option allows all clubs on RunSignUp to receive your membership discount.
  2. Select One of Your Clubs - If you have a Club on your account, then this option will list the Clubs for you to select.
  3. Other Clubs - If do not have access to the Club but would like to offer discount to other Clubs on RunSignUp, you can use this option to Search for Clubs.

To allow other clubs’ members to receive the discounted pricing, click on the button labeled “Search for Clubs”.A pop-up box will give you the option to search by “Club Name” or “Club Location”, and when you have entered in the appropriate parameters, you can hit “Search Clubs”.A list of clubs matching the search terms will be made available to you, at which point you can check off the clubs you would like to give discount pricing to, and hit “Select Clubs”.


Add/Remove Membership Discount

You can use the “Add a Discount” button to create as many “Club Membership Discounts” as you would like. Additionally, you can remove discounts by clicking on the X button for the specific discount.


Advanced Settings

In the advanced settings section, you can check off “Require a club membership for each participant” if you would like for participants of your race to only be club members.

Membership Date only applies if you are requiring a membership for your events show above. By default, club membership is only required during registration. If you want to ensure that the participant has a valid membership on Race day, then you can check this box. 


Note: Any participants with memberships expiring prior race day will not be able to register.

If a registrant does not have a membership in any of the clubs that are being offered discounts, then you can prompt them to join a club by hitting “Select Club to Suggest”.

A pop-up box will give you the option to search by “Club Name” or “Club Location”, and when you have entered in the appropriate parameters, you can hit “Search Clubs”.A list of clubs matching the search terms will be made available to you, at which point you can click on the radio button next to the club you would like to suggest, and hit “Select Club”.


When you are finished, make sure you select “Save Discounts”.


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