Add a Custom Section

How to Create Custom Sections

RunSignUp allows you to customize your Race page by creating custom sections/pages. These sections/pages allows you to enter description for any Race Information with options to insert images, attach documents, embed widgets/videos and much more!

Most common uses for creating custom section would be information for Picking Up Packet, Directions to the Race Location, Race Amenities, Post-Race Events, Vendor/Sponsor Interest Contact, and more.

How to Add a Custom Section/Page

To get started navigate to Race > Race Website > Custom Sections and select Add Custom Section/Page.


Section Heading

Use this text to describe your Custom Section to your users.


URL (Optional)

If you decide to add an Optional URL your Section Heading will become a clickable link which will direct the user to whatever website you like.


Participants Only

Using this setting will limit the visibility of this section to only those who are already registered for your Race. This is very useful to use for Race information that you would like registrants to know, but not necessarily the public.


Non-participants will still be able to see the menu page and/or custom section title, but they won’t be able to see any of the content unless they are registered and are logged into RunSignUp. Here is an example of what “non-participants/members” will see:


Once the participant registers for the race and is logged into RunSignUp, they will be able to see the private “registrant only” information.


Enter any relevant content for this section here. 


You can learn more about adding images to your Custom Section here.

RunSignUp Page URL

You are able to customize the URL this specific section/page. This is only applicable if you set up this section to “Display as New Menu Item” or “Display as Sub-Menu Item” in the “Custom Content Display” settings page. This is optional and not required for creating a custom section/page.


For example, if you entered "party" on the field above, the link "" will direct participants directly to this specific section/page.


We allow you to upload a single attachment for each Custom Section that you have. This will allow you to upload a Photo or PDF to help your description. If you would like to add a gallery of photos to your Race Website we would recommend adding an Instagram Gallery, or using our RaceDay Photos Platform.


Attachment Display

If you have added an Attachment to your Custom Section you will have the option to change the display of this attachment with this feature. You can either show the Attachment Under Page Content, Aligned Left, or Aligned Right. See below for examples of each.


Under Page Content



Aligned Left With Page Content


Aligned Right With Page Content


Embed Video or Widget

RunSignUp allows you to expand the content of your Custom Section by embedding a Video or Widget into it so that you can have dynamic content on your Race Page.


Select the type of Video or Widget that you would like to embed, and fill out the required fields for this Video or Widget Type

Removing a Custom Section

If you need to remove a Custom Section, you can use the Trash Can icon to do so.


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