Add Event Grouping, and Configure Super/Sub Events



You may want to group your events together, either for aesthetic reasons, or to allow for users to register for multiple packaged events.

If you have a race with multiple wave times for a single event, then you can consolidate these into a more visually appealing drop-down menu, by using RunSignUp's Simple Event Grouping option.

If you want to create a package of multiple events, that people can sign up for at a set rate, then you can do so by using RunSignUp's Super Event option.

Simple Event Grouping Super Event

Allows you to group events together for aesthetic purposes.

Allows you to group events together for selling event bundles.

In order to set up Simple Event Grouping and Super Events, it is required that the events are already created.  If you have not done this yet, then you can do so as explained in the tutorial for how to set up Basic Info (found here).

In order to find either of these features, you can go to the Race tab of the dashboard, select Registration, and then open up the Event Grouping section.


Simple Event Grouping

The Simple Event Grouping option allows you to consolidate similar events, such as multiple wave times, into a single grouping.  This will help to remove the clutter of multiple events on your race page by placing them all under a single heading (referred to as the Event Group Name).


On the race page, these events will be grouped together under a single event heading, and on the SignUp page, these events will be listed in the form of a dropdown menu.


In order to set up this feature, begin by clicking on the button for Add Simple Event Group.

First, enter in an Event Group Name.  This will be the name that appears in place of the events that make up this simple event group.

Then, using the Events list, select which events should be listed under this event group name.

You can create as many event groups as you would like by clicking on the Add Simple Event Group button and repeating the process.  And event groups can be deleted by clicking on the in the top right corner of that event group's box.  Also, you can rearrange the event groups to appear in the order that you would like for them to appear on the race page by using the Up and Down Arrows.

If you have set a limit on the number of events that registrants can sign up for, then you can also use the Dropdown Box Default Text in order to customize how the dropdown box option text will appear during registration.

When you are finished creating and/or editing your event groups, then click on the button for Save Event Groups at the bottom of the page.

Super Events

The Super Events option allows you to turn one of your existing events into an event that is made up of sub-events.  Super Events are useful for creating bundles of events to purchase.

With a Super Event, participants can register for the Super Event in the same manner as they would for a regular event, and the only difference is that the participants of this event will also be registered for, and show up in the reports of, the sub-events that are included in that Super Event.



IMPORTANT: Super Events can have their own custom settings, such as Registration WindowsBib AssignmentsParticipant Caps, etcetera, and these settings will override ANY of the event settings that are in place for the sub-events.  For instance, if your Super Event includes a "5K" sub-event, and the individual "5K" event has already reached it's Participant Cap (and therefore cannot be registered for individually), then people can still register for the Super Event, which includes the "5K" event (as long as the Super Event is not yet full).

Under the Super Events heading, you will find separate listings for all of the events in your race; shown as Sub-Events for [Insert Event Name Here].

TIP: you can create an event (by going through the Race Wizard; explained here) that is specific to your Super Event.  For instance: "Super Event", "Race Series Bundle", or "Multi-Event Bundle", or "Marathon Bundle" as seen below.

Any of your events can be made into a Super Event by going to that event's specific section, and then selecting which events should become sub-events of that super event.


When you are finished creating and/or editing your event groups, then click on the button for Save Event Groups at the bottom of the page.

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