Allow Participants to Transfer to Different Race

Allowing Participants to Transfer to a Different Race

RunSignup allows you as the Race Director to give your Participants the ability to transfer their registration to other Races that you are director of. This is very useful for Races that have multiple races in a Race Series and may want to allow registrants to transfer their entry to a race later on in the series.


This feature can be found on the Race Dashboard by going to Participants > Participant Management > Race Transfer


Once you have Race Transfers enabled, please review the process for participants to initiate them on their end as described here so that you can explain it to your registrants: How-To Transfer to Another Race

If you want to learn how to transfer Participants to another Race from the Race Dashboard, without having the participant do it themselves, please see our guide on How-To Transfer Participants to Another Race.

Race Transfer Processing Fee

You can add a Race Transfer Processing Fee that participants will need to pay in order to transfer to another Race. When transferring to a different race, the registrant will be credited for their original amount minus the transfer processing fee. This credit can be used to cover the event cost in the new event.

If the registrant is transferring to a less expensive event, and there is no Race Event Transfer Processing Fee, the transfer will be free.

Cutoff Date

You can set a Cutoff Date which will determine when participants will be able to change their Race up until. If no date is set here your participants will be able to change their Race selection up until and including the day of the race.


Add-On Credits

By default the amount paid for add ons is included in the Race Transfer, but the add on items do not transfer. If unchecked, only the event registration amount will transfer over as a credit. If checked, the add-on amount will be part of the credit too, but the actual add-ons will not.



Only Allow Event Cost to Receive the Credit

By default only the Event cost can receive Transfer Credits. You can uncheck this box to allow the Credits to be applied to things other than Event Fees such as Add-Ons.


Deferral Credit Method

RunSignup allows you to set the credited amount a participant will receive when transferring their registration to another races. The three options are as follows:

  1. Use Amount Paid for Deferred Registration
    • This will set the amount the participant paid originally for the registration as the amount they will be credited for the new registration. Example: Registrant paid $75 for the original registration. They will credited $75 that will go towards the registration cost of the race they are transferring to.
  2. New Event is Always Free
    • This will ignore any the amount paid for the original registration and always allow participants to register for free when transferring to another race.
  3. Set Credible Amount Based on Previous Event
    • This will set a fixed credit amount that each participant will have based on the event the participant originally registered for. 


Credible Percentage

The Creditable Percentage allows you to give a percent of the creditable amount to the transferer based on the number of days prior to the race. The percent can be set up to 200%. This can only be setup when the deferral credit method is Use Amount Paid for Deferred Registration
For example, 100 days prior to the race, you may want to allow 100% of the participant's fees they paid for the original race to transfer to the new race. However, 7 days prior to the race, you may only want to allow them to transfer 50% of the fees they paid.
In the event of a race cancellation, if you want a participant to be able to transfer to any other race without paying an additional cost, you can set the percentage to 200%


Race Transfer, Cutoff Date, Add-On Credits, Allow Event Cost to Receive the Credit By Event

You can adjust the race transfer fee, cutoff date, add-on credits, and the ability to allow event cost to receive the credit on a per-event basis by selecting Use Custom Event Settings next to the Event that needs a cutoff date that is different from your other Events. All Events that have “Use Overall Settings” selected will default to the Cutoff Date set earlier in the setup.


Transferable Races

Select the races that a participant can transfer to. Only races that you are the director for will show here.


Participant Messages

You can add custom messages to your participants when they are transferring to another Race. You can also make a custom message for when the Race Transfer period has closed, or the user does not have enough transfer credits to complete a Race Transfer.


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