Cancel Your Race


Cancel Your Race

To Cancel your race go to Race >> Postpone & Cancel Options >> Set up Postpone or Cancel Options and choose the option "this race was cancelled and will NOT be held at a later date."


Please note that selecting this option doesn’t close registration for you. You will still need to:

  • Close registration by setting your Registration Periods to a date in the past 
  • Set a Registration Closed message 
  • Fund your Refund Reserve to issue refunds

Let Your Participants Know About Your Race

In this section, fill out the information that the public will see when going to your race website. This will include the web page headline and message.


Registrants will see this on when going to your race website:


Give Your Participants Options

There are four options you can enable for your registrants to choose from:

  1. Allow registrants to indicate that they want to stay in the race to participate on the make up date. Use this option to allow registrants to let you know that they would like to stay in the race instead of receiving a refund. You should NOT use this option if your race is cancelled.
  2. Allow registrants to indicate that they will switch to the virtual race. Use this option to allow registrants to switch to a virtual version of the race. This does not actually change the registration status. You are responsible for using the participant decision report to handle those who select this option. You should NOT use this option if your race is cancelled.
  3. Allow registrants to indicate that they want to let your race keep the money. Use this option to allow registrants to let your race keep their registration fee to use as they see fit. You are responsible for using the participant decision report to handle those who select this option.
  4. Allow registrants to indicate that they want a refund. Use this option to allow registrants to request a refund. This does not actually issue a refund. You are responsible for using the participant decision report to handle those who select this option. You can use our bulk refund tool to issue those refunds.

Simply check off the options to offer them to your participants. Clicking on each one will open editable option text titles and explanations.

These take no real action other than collecting information from your participants. This means that you can can change each option and name it something else, like "transfer to Race XYZ" that is held the next season for example.


This just builds a report of anyone who selected that option. You will have to do the action for them, for example issue a refund, based on their choice on the participant decision report, which we explain how to access below.

Participants will see the options either on the pop-up or in the race website:


Government Order

This is an optional section. If your event was cancelled because of a government order as part of the COVID-19 pandemic, you can upload a PDF of a government order and/or post a URL to the order for why your event was cancelled.


Participant Decision Report

To view the decisions participants have made, go to Race >> Postpone & Cancel Options >> Participant Decision Report. You can then search the participant by name or email and filter by the decision chosen.


Participant Lookup Report by Email

This report is showing you people who searched by their email address to find their registration to select a cancellation option. You can see how many registrations are under each email and see the associated registration IDs. To access this report go to Race >> Postpone & Cancel Options >> Participant Lookup by Email Report.


Send Email To Undecided Participants

Use this tool to send an email to undecided participants about your race's updates to make a decision by going to Race >> Postpone & Cancel Options >> Send Emails to Participants. Participants who have already made a decision will not receive this email. You can only send one of these emails.


The email received by the undecided participants will look similar to this:


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