Charity Payment Account Setup

To setup the payment account for your charity, go to financial >> payment set-up. This is where you can set up the payment info/address for your charity payments.  

  • If you are a returning RunSignup charity, confirm your payment account information under “Existing Payment Account Details.”



  • If you are a new RunSignup charity, click the green CREATE NEW PAYMENT ACCOUNT button to create your payment account and confirm your payment options.



If you are looking for more information about the payment account set-up process, here is a video tutorial with step-by-step instructions:

If you have additional questions about the information that is required for the payment account setup, please read RunSignup’s payment facilitator FAQ page:

PAYMENT OPTIONS: Once the payment account is setup and approved by RunSignup, you will be able to configure your payment options. These options include payment on a weekly or monthly basis, check payments, direct deposit payments, payment holding.

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