Click to Text Social Share

We have a powerful social share option: Click to Text. This is automatically available across race websites, as well as the confirmation page when someone signs up. This incentivizes participants to share (and promote their referral codes) via text immediately after signing up.

There are two reasons why Click to Text is such a great marketing tool for events:

  1. The most best reference for your event is from participants and supporters – not from ads. Moreover, texts from friends are going to be read more than any marketing text or email. Featuring Click to Text share options across event website pages encourages people to share with their networks via text message.
  2. Large social media platforms are still around and relevant, but are increasingly about ads and less about connection and networking. This means that fewer participants share about the events they do to their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok pages because they are not using these tools to connect with friends as often as they previously did. While we continue to add social media features, Click to Text is a more powerful marketing tool that goes beyond any platform.

In addition to the confirmation page and all social media components on event websites, fundraiser pages also feature Click to Text. Fundraiser page Click to Text promotes donating to the fundraiser:


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