Copying Your Race

How to Copy your Race

With RunSignUp's Copy Race capability we make it simple to create a series of races.


RunSignUp makes it simple to create a series of races with the Copy capability. This creates a copy of one of your existing races settings, and then you can go in a change only the fields you need to change.

You can copy your Race by navigating to Profile > My Races > Actions > Copy this Race.


If you are trying to copy last year’s race for the current year, then we strongly recommend using our Renew Race feature instead. Refer to our Renewing Your Race video tutorial for more details.

Copy Race Form

The Copy Race form already has the copied Race's information + settings pre-filled for you. Please review over the form and make sure you make the proper adjustments to the new Race.


Here are some tips on what is usually updated for Copied Races:

  1. Update the Basic Infofor the new race including:
    1. Race Name
    2. Race Description
    3. Location
    4. Date/Time for the events.
  2. Update the Race URL
    1. The URL may only contain letters and numbers. This URL cannot be changed after creating the race. Please don't use the race date/year or phrases such as "FirstAnnual" in the URL as this will not work well if you renew the race for future years.
  3. The Copy Settings section will have all of the settings listed in more detail that are available to be copied. Most settings are checked by default, but you can customize which sections you need to copy.

Once you have agreed to the RunSignUp contract, click the blue Copy Race button to proceed to the Race Wizard.


In the Race Wizard you can make any updates that are specific to the race, such as updating the Registration Periods, changing the Race Logo, etc. For a detailed guide on the Race Wizard refer to our Race Creation Wizard tutorials.

At the end of the Race Wizard there will be a link for the newly copied race. Click on the link to go to the Race Page and review the information or do a test registration as needed to double check.


While the Copy Race feature will easily copy your info from one race to another, there are some things that you want to check to make sure everything is correct for your new race:

Plain Text - Any text in the Description or Custom Section will be copied exactly as written. Dates in plain text will not update like with the Registration Periods.

USAT - If you are copying an event using USAT Event IDs then you will need to manually update the copied race with the correct USAT Event ID.

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