Create a Corporate Team

Once you have set up corporate teams for your race, you can then begin creating corporate teams for runners to join.


Creating a New Team


If you are a race director who needs to set up a corporate team for your race, start by going to 

Participants > Corporate Teams > Add New Corporate Team



Note: You will need to have gone through the “set up corporate teams” process in order to enable corporate team creation.



Initial Team Creation


Begin by entering in the team’s unique name, and select one of the team types from those available to create.

Note: You can learn more about what each team type includes by referring to the description box provided.


If you would like, or if you made it a requirement when you set up corporate teams, you can also enter in a code that all registrants must enter in order to join this corporate team.


Event Costs

In the “Event Costs” section, you can enter in the percentage of the event costs that the team will pay for members.Enter in a zero (“0”) if the member will be paying the entire amount needed for registration, enter in one hundred (“100”) if the team will be covering the entire cost of the member’s registration, or enter in any other number to cover that percentage of the member’s registration.

If you set up the team to pay for a percentage of the member’s event costs, you can use the calendar to designate when that team will stop paying for additional team members, or you can enter in the maximum number of members that team is going to cover.If you enter in both an end date and a maximum number, then the cost coverage will cut off with whichever parameter is reached first.If you leave both of these fields blank, no limits will be placed on that team’s percentage payments.

Family/Friends Settings


Use the check box to set whether or not family members and/or friends are allowed to join this team.


Corporate Team Setup Payment

When you click Continue, you will be brought to the payment information for that corporate team.At this point you can choose to either Pay Now Using a Credit Card, or you can choose to let the team Pay Later. Once you have a payment method selected, hit Create Team.



Note: If you customized corporate teams so that the teams must pay for the initial fees at the time of setup, then you will only be shown the option to “Pay Now Using a Credit Card”.

After hitting the “Create Team” button, you will be given confirmation that your team has now been created.

Corporate Team Management

If you click on “Go to Team Page”, you will be brought to the newly created team’s page. Here you can manage all aspects of that particular corporate team. For a detailed run-through of what you can do on the corporate team’s page, please refer to the section for “How to Manage a Corporate Team for Race Directors”.

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