Create & Manage Email Lists


RunSignUp allows Race Directors to create Custom Email Lists so that Races can more easily target their marketing or race information emails. You will be able to use these lists to include or exclude the members of the list on emails that you send with the RunSignUp Email Marketing System.

This feature is found on your Race Dashboard by going to Email Marketing > Manage Lists.


Create a New List

If you would like to create a new mailing list for use in RunSignUp, then click on the button for Create New List.


To get started you must first enter in a List Name.


Then step through the New Email List Wizard to complete the creation of your New Email List.


Step 1 - Select RunSignUp Contacts


First you can decide if you would like to add any existing RunSignUp registrants in this Race to your New Email List.  You can select subsets of your registrants either by Event, or by specific Groups/Teams.

RunSignUp Managed Lists

By default the RunSignUp Contacts section uses the current Race Date’s registrants to build the RunSignUp Contacts Lists. If you would like to pull data from a prior year you will need to select it from the RunSignUp Managed Lists Dropdown.


Select Registrants By Event

This feature will allow your to select and deselect any or all of the participants of your events.

Or you can select Only send to participants who have not signed their waiver.



NOTE: The participants on this list will be updated as changes are made to the participant list.  Any new participants will be added to the list as the come in, and any removed participants will be taken off the list.  Also, as the waivers are signed, those participants will be removed from the list for Only send to participants who have not signed their waiver.

NOTE: Registrants without email addresses recorded with their registration are not included on email lists.

Select Groups/Teams

Similarly to selecting registrants by specific Events you can also include registrants from specific Groups/Teams by using the section for Select Groups/Teams.


You can chose to only include Team Captains instead of including all Group/Team members by using the Include Team Captains Only checkbox.


NOTE: This option sets the email to only go to team captains, but you still must select which teams to contact.

IMPORTANT: Any selections made in the Select Registrants By Event section above will NOT be removed by selecting Include Team Captains Only.  This means that if people who are not captains are selected in the Select Registrants By Event section above, then they will still be included in the contacts even if Include Team Captains Only is selected.

You can include all registrants who are a part of a team by selecting All Groups.


If you do not want to select All Groups, then you alternatively have the option to include only registrants belonging to Groups/Teams of a certain Group/Team Type by selecting the checkbox for Select All Group Type: ___________ for the respective Group Type that you would like included.  Alternatively, you also have the option to include only registrants belonging to specific groups by selecting the respective name of the Group you would like included.



Select Corporate Teams

The section for Select Corporate Teams is similar to the Select Groups/Teams section above.  You can limit your selections to Include Corporate Team Captains Only (keeping in mind that you must still select which corporate teams whose captains you want to contact).  And when selecting corporate teams, you can select All Corporate Teams, OR you can choose to Select All Team Type: ___________  in order to select corporate teams based on corporate team types, OR you can select specific Corporate Teams by name.


IMPORTANT: Any selections made in the Select Registrants By Event section above will NOT be removed by selecting Include Corporate Team Captains Only.  This means that if people who are not captains are selected in the Select Registrants By Event section above, then they will still be included in the contacts even if Include Corporate Team Captains Only is selected.

Select Volunteer Tasks

Using this section, you can select to include volunteers who signed up for All Volunteer Tasks OR specific Tasks.


Saving Your List

Once you have selected which RunSignUp Contacts you would like included in your New List, you can click Save and Continue if you would like to save and move onto the Upload Custom Contacts step.


If you will not be using the Upload Custom Contacts section, then you can simply click Save.


Step 2 - Upload Custom Contacts


If you have a CSV file of emails that you would like to add to your list that are not a part of your RunSignUp Contacts, you can add them to you New List by using the Upload a Custom List section.

First select Choose File, and select the CSV file that you would like to import.


This will bring up the CSV Import Mapping pop-up, where you will be required to map the E-mail Address field to the matching column in your CSV.  In addition to the E-mail address you will be given the option to map the First Name field and Last Name field of these additional contacts, so that you can use replacement tags to personalize your emails to them.


If you have additional replacement tag information in your CSV that you would like to include in this upload, then click the Add Tag button to add as many new tag fields as you would like, and map these fields to the matching columns in your CSV, so that you can further personalize your emails using these replacement tags.


Once you have clicked Add Tag you will need to Select A Tag that you would like to map the imported data to, and the CSV Column that you are importing from. 


Once you have completed the mapping step, click on Add Contacts.


Your contacts will then be listed out just under the Choose File button.

IMPORTANT: You can confirm your contact list here, but be aware that ONLY the E-mail Address along with the First Name and Last Name will be listed out.  Additional tags will NOT show in this preview.

Saving Your List

Once you have confirmed your uploaded contacts click Save and Continue if you would like to save and move on to the Existing Custom Contacts step.


If you will not be using the Existing Custom Contacts section, then you can simply click Save.


Step 3 - Manage Existing Custom Contacts


In the section for Existing Custom Contacts you can edit or delete the contacts you added in the Upload Custom Contacts section.  Here you can also add general custom contacts.



Use the Search bar to filter your Existing Custom Contacts list by E-mail, First or Last Name.



If a name is misspelled, or if there is a typo in an email address, then click the Edit link in the Actions column to edit this information.


Edit the information in the pop-up box, and when corrected, select the Edit Contact button below.



If you would like to delete a contact from a list, then click the Delete Contact link in the Actions column.


You can then confirm this action by selecting Delete to completely remove them from the list.


Add a Custom Contact

You also have the option to manually Add a Custom Contact one at a time, by entering in their Email Address, First Name, and Last Name.


Once you have this information set, click on Add Custom Contact.


NOTE: To add a custom contact with additional tags, please use the CSV Upload in the Upload Custom Contacts section.


Manage Existing Email Lists

You can manage existing Email Lists from your Race Dashboard by going to Email Marketing > Manage Lists.


You can use the links in the table on this page to bring you to back to the steps in the Email List creation process described above (RunSignUp Lists / Upload Custom Contacts / Custom Contacts).


In addition to editing the contacts from an existing list you will also be able to Download this list, as well as Delete it if you ever need to.

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