Create Reserved Entries


Create Reserved Entries

RunSignup offers you two basic ways to let runners into your race even if it has closed or reached its cap. This is a two-step process. First you must decide if you would like your entry to be used only once, or if you would like it to be used multiple times, then you need to define a date range during which Reserved Entries will be accepted.

After you have created Reserved Entries, we also allow you as the Race Director, the ability to track the usage of multiple Reserved Entries through a useful report that will show usage details and the settings that were used for each Reserved Entry

Reserved Entries

You can find the Reserved Entries set up by going to the Participants tab, and then selecting Reserved Entries.


Single Use Reserved Entry

Creating a Single Use Reserved Entry will allow you to either create an individual single use entry, or multiple single use entries at once.

You can create an individual single use code simply by filling out the First Name, Last Name, and Email fields.

You also have the option to add Notes to this reserved entry, if you would like.  These Notes will only be visible to you as the race director.


In order to create multiple single use codes you will first need to create a CSV spreadsheet that includes three columns. This spreadsheet must meet these requirements:

  • MUST be in a Comma Separated Value (CSV) format. XLS, XLSX, or Tab Delimited will not be accepted.
  • MUST have the EXACT headers “first_name”, “last_name”, and “email"


Once you have saved this CSV spreadsheet to your desktop check the Upload CSV checkbox then select the Choose File button to browse for the file that you have created.

Once you have created your Single Use Reserved Entry, RunSignup will automatically send the participant(s) an email notification to the email entered where the participant can access the registration link to register for your race. This email notification can also be customized. This specific notification can be customized by selecting Race > Notification > General Settings > Reserved Entry Notification or can be accessed using the link provided on the Reserved Entry creation page.

Multiple Use Reserved Entry

If you would like to generate a random URL that will allow anyone who has the link to register for your Race regardless of whether or not registration is closed, or the participant cap has been met, then you would want to use a Multiple Use Reserved Entry.

Start by selecting the Multiple Use Reserved Entry checkbox.

You can also decide if you would like to limit this Reserved Entry link to be valid only for those who are joining a certain Group/Team that has already been set up by selecting the Group/Team Name from the Group/Team drop down.

Additionally you can add Notes to this Multiple Use Reserved Entry to keep track of your Reservation URLs in the Multiple Use Entries Report. These notes will only be visible to you as the race director.

The Limit to Corporate Team field allows you to specify which corporate team that registrants must be a part of with this reserved entries.


Reservation Dates

It is required that you set a time period in which your Reservations are valid from/until.


Reservation Options

You can use the Allow User to Register Outside of Normal Registration Dates option to allow users to register with this Reserved Entry outside of the normal registration period defined in Race > Registration > Dates, Pricing & Options.

You also have the option to Allow User to Register for Corporate Teams Outside of Normal Corporate Team Registration Dates.


Overall Registration Limit

You can add an Overall Registration Limit by selecting the button for Limit Race Registrations, and then entering in the number for Maximum Registrants. This can be less than, or more than, the individual event participant cap; whichever cap is reached first will take effect.


Event Specific Registration Limits

You can also define registration limits at the event level by selecting which events you would like to define an individual limit for in the Event Specific Registration Limits section, and then setting the Maximum Registrants in that events.

By default, all events, even those without registration limits set, will be eligible for people to register for with this reserved entry. However, you can check off Only allow user to register for events with a limit set above, and this will disable the option to register for any of the events that were NOT selected in the Event Specific Registration Limits section and therefore do NOT have a limit set on their registration.


Specific Event Pricing

If you would like to set a special price for this reserved entry, then you can do so in the Specific Event Pricing section, by setting prices at the event level for each of the events in your race.

Reserving the Spot

Once you have completed the customization of your reserved entry settings, and you are ready to create this reserved entry, click on Reserve Spot, and you will receive confirmation that your registration reservation was created.

You can create as many Reserved Entries as you would like.

Reserved Entry Reports


Single Use Reserved Entry Report

You can view your Single Use Reserved Entry Report by going to the Single Use Entries tab.

Multiple Use Reserved Entry Report

You can view your Multiple Use Reserved Entry Report by going to the Multiple Use Entries tab.

Row Selection Box

If you select one or more of the Reserved Entries for either the Single Use Entries or the Multiple Use Entries:

Then you can delete these reservations by clicking on the button marked Delete Reservations.

If you select one or more of the Single Use Entries, then you also have the option to resend reserved entry emails, by clicking on the button marked Resend Confirmation Email.

Please note that any expired or non-active reserved entries will not be resent.



Registrant/URL Column

In the Registrant column of the Single Use Entries you can find the registrant information along with their email address.

In the URL column of the Multiple Use Entries you can find the uniquely generated URL that users can register with.


Limitations Column

The Limitations column will list out any overall or event specific limitations that you have set for this reserved entry, as well as its current progress in terms of how many registrations have come in through this specific link out of how many are allowed.


Reservation Info Column

The Reservation Info column will display the reservation code, the opening and closing dates set in the Reservation Dates section, the Status of the reservation code/link, whether or not this reserved entry is overriding registration dates, and any notes if applicable.


Pricing Column

The Pricing column will list out any Specific Event Pricing that you have set for this Reserved Entry.

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