Customize Participant Caps

Customize Participant Caps

Learn how to set up "Single Event Participant Caps", "Multi-Event Participant Caps", and "Customize the Spots Remaining Countdown".

Customize Participant Caps

Participant caps can be used to regulate the amount of registrants that are allowed in each event.  The first place that you will normally encounter the Maximum Number of Participants field will be in the Registration Step of the Race Wizard (which is explained in the tutorial linked here).  However, from the races dashboard, you can set up Multi-Event Participant Caps in addition to the Single Event Participant Caps, and you can customize or Hide the Spots Remaining countdown that appears on your race page.

To view and customize your participant cap settings, go to the Race tab of the dashboard, open up the Registration section, and go to the subheading for Participant Caps.


Single Event Participant Caps

Under the heading for Single Event Participant Caps, you will find a table listing all of the events associated with your race, along with an editable text box, containing the current Participant Cap information.

Your cap information can be updated to a different number, or it can be deleted.

Removing Caps: If the box is set as blank, and you save the changes, then there will be no limit to the number of registrants who can sign up for that event.

Soft Caps

If you are using teams, you can set up soft caps. With a soft cap, individuals will only be able to register until the soft cap is met. After that, only registrants for existing team will be allowed to register until the hard cap is met.

If you would like to use soft caps, then click on the button for Click Here to Enable Soft Caps.

This will add a new column to the Single Event Participant Caps table for Soft Cap, in which you can enter in any soft cap limits you would like, making sure that the Soft Cap is less than the main Participant Cap.

IMPORTANT: You should NOT use a waiting list with soft caps because the waiting list will not open until the hard cap is met.

Note: The race page shows the remaining spots by the hard cap. You may want to use the option below to hide spots remaining.

Saving Your Setup

Once you have finished setting up or editing your Single Event Participant Caps, then you can save your changes by going to the bottom of the page, and clicking on the button for Save Participant Caps.

These changes will also be reflected in the registration step of the Race Wizard, and vice versa.


Multi-Event Participant Caps

The Multi-Event Participant Caps section can be used to set up a participant cap for a combination of events.

For instance, this feature allows you to specify that the maximum number of participants in a 5K and a 10K is 5000 people.  This could mean that 1 registrant is in the 5K, while 4999 registrants are in the 10K; so you may want to set up Single Event Participant Caps in addition to the Multi-Event Participant Caps, in order to regulate the participant distribution.

Note: You CANNOT create a Waiting List on any event that is set up with a Multi-Event Participant Cap.

To set up a set up a Multi-Event Participant Cap, begin by clicking on the button for Add Event Group.

From here, you can check off which events's participant caps you would like to group together.  Then, in the box labelled Participant Cap, enter in the total number of participants that are eligible for the indicated events.


IMPORTANT: Make sure that you Multi-Event Participant Caps are greater than the Single Event Participant Caps listed above, or adjust the Single Event Participant Caps to be less than the Multi-Event Participant Caps.

You can create addition Multi-Event Participant Caps by clicking on the button for Add Event Group, and repeating the process.

Any event group can be Deleted by clicking on the in the right-hand corner.

Once you have finished setting up or editing your Multi-Event Participant Caps, then you can save your changes by clicking on the button for Save Participant Caps.

Hide Spots Remaining

By default, with participant caps set, the spots remaining will be posted on your race page for the public to see.

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As the race director, you have the option of hiding the number of open slots remaining in your race completely, or until a certain threshold is reached.  In order to do this, go to the Hide Spots Remaining section, and enter in the last number in the countdown at which the spots remaining notice will remain hidden.


For instance, if you wanted the spots remaining countdown to become visible at 100 spots left, then you would enter in 101.  If you wanted the countdown to become visible at 10 spots lefts, then you would enter in 11.

To hide the countdown completely, enter in 0.

To show the countdown at all times, simply leave the field blank.

Once you have finished customizing your spots remaining countdown, then you can save your changes by clicking on the button for Save Participant Caps.

Similar Topic: Total Event Participants

If you have the Find a Participant page enabled for your race, then you will find a section that tells you the count for the Total Event Participants.  This number will be visible no matter what your settings are for the Spots Remaining.  This is because, as long as you have the Find a Participant page enabled, people would be able to easily count the total number of participants, even without the number displayed on the page.


If you would like to hide the Total Event Participants count, then you will need to hide the entire Find a Participant page, as is explained in this tutorial (click here).

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