Customize Race Theme: Race Template


To easily jump to the theme customization page, simply begin typing “race theme” into the Search bar of the Dashboard, and after you have typed in at least three letters, search results will begin to show below the box.


Select Race > Race Website > Race Theme from the results listed below, and you will be brought directly to the race theme customization page.

You can also manually find this feature by going to the Race tab of the race dashboard, clicking on the subheading for Race Website, and then selecting Race Theme.

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RunSignup has a couple of different templates that you can choose from and customize for your race.  There is the Vertical Navigation Template and the Horizontal Navigation Template.


The Vertical Navigation Template will look like this:


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The Horizontal Navigation Template will look like this:


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There are three tabs that you can click through for viewing and editing the both Vertical and Horizontal Navigation Template Options.  These include Design & LayoutSocial Media, and Homepage Custom Content



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Design & Layout


In the Design & Layout section, you can set the Homepage Hero Image Layout as either the Default Layout, where the event details overlay the image, OR as the Alternate Layout, where the event details are displayed above and below the image, with no image gradient.



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The Race Name Display option will allow you to either Always show race nameHide the race name on mobile devices, or Always hide the race name:




The Header Color can be selected from your currently saved Color Scheme settings:



Please Note: If you would like to use a different color for the Header Color than those listed here, then you will need to edit and save your current Color Scheme (explained later in this tutorial) to include the color that you would like to use.  After saving the new Color Scheme, then you will find the new color choice in the options for the  Header Color.


If you would like to Always expand “More” menu on desktop, then you can click on the checkbox to enable this, or you can leave it unchecked to keep the More menu option.


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In the Events Display section, you can decide whether you would like to view your events to be displayed as either a Grid or a List:




You can also decide whether or not you would like to Show Race Logo or Hide Race Logo in the Footer section:



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Social Media



In the Social Media section, you can have your Facebook and/or Twitter social media feeds placed in the right column on all pages by simply typing in your Facebook Username and/or Twitter Username.


They will appear like this:




6KQ5XIxhtTsJCgYmO79tzGsXNuyojFBM8A.jpeg?1699393660   5-SWd_xPTqO7H5Q11Jmv3HRc92tQV2-N-g.jpeg?1699393660
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Homepage Custom Content



In the Homepage Custom Content section, you can add a tagline and a race day countdown on the homepage.


The Custom Tagline can be added by selecting Text, and then entering in the information that you would like to display in your Homepage Custom Content section.  Please note, that the character limit 250, and this editor does not support HTML, CSS, or JavaScript.  Please enter text only.



The Countdown Clock, can be turned on by selecting Race Day Countdown.




Here is what these features will look like:




Once you have the race template set up that you would like to use for your race, click on Save Setup at the bottom of the page.



You will then receive confirmation that the settings have been saved, and you can click on View Website, in order to review your race’s color scheme.



Check out these other guides for customizing your race theme:

- Color Scheme 

- Logo, Banner Image, Favicon 

- Custom Wording 

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