Edit Menu Order and Visibility

Edit Menu Order and Visibility

Race Website Menu Order

Once you have created custom content for your race website, as is explained in How to Add a Custom Section/Page, and you have customized the display of this custom content, as is explained in How to Customize Custom Content Display, then you can edit the order in which menu items and sub-menu items appear on your race page as well as their visibility.

To easily jump to this feature’s dashboard setup page, simply begin typing “Menu” in the Search bar of the Dashboard.

After you have typed in at least three letters, search results will begin to show below the box.

Select Menu Order from those listed below, and you will be brought to the page for rearranging the order of and adjusting the visibility of your menu and sub-menu items.

You can also manually find this feature by going to the Race tab, clicking on Race Website, and opening up the section for Menu Order.


Once on the menu order page, you can click on the menu item that you would like to change the order of, and, while still holding down your mouse click, you can drag that menu item to a new position in the menu order.  Once you have moved the menu item to its desired position, let go of your mouse click, and the menu item will snap into its new position.

You can rearrange the menu items into any order that you would like, and sub-menu items can be rearranged in the same manner, within their parent menu item.

Please note that all sub-menu items will remain with their parent menu item, and you cannot move a sub-menu item into a different menu item from this page.  If you would like to assign a sub-menu item to a different parent menu item, then you will need to go to the Race tab, open up Race Website, and go to the Custom Content Display feature to reassign the sub-menu.

This is explained in more detail, in How to Customize Custom Content Display.

Once your menu order has been set up as you would like it, click on Save Menu Order, and a confirmation message will let you know that your settings have been saved.

From the menu order page, you can also Hide any menu items that you do not want shown on your race website, by checking off the box next to that menu item for Hide.

If you click on Show in Draft Mode, then these menu items will be visible to people who visit your race page, even when your race is currently in draft mode.  This is convenient for those who are not yet ready to turn on registration, but would like to have their website up and running.  For instance, this is very useful if you need to show a results page year round, but also need to have your race set up as a draft for a portion of the year while you are working on changing it.

Checking the Hide Sign Up Header Button will hide the Signup button at the top of the page from viewers when they are on that specific menu item.

Once you have selected the desired visibility settings, be sure to click on Save Menu Order, and the changes will be saved.


You can also edit the order in which sections appear on your race page.  This can be done under the Race tab, by opening up Race Website, and going to the Layout feature.  More information on this topic can be found in How to Edit Your Section Layout.

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