Edit Your Packet Pickup Location

Edit Your Packet Pickup Location

RunSignup also allows you to enter in packet pickup information for your race.

You can access this feature by going to the Race tab, clicking on Race Website, and then clicking Race Location.


Packet Pickup

This includes the packet pickup location, packet pickup date and time, race day packet pickup time, and the custom packet pickup description.


The Custom Packet Pickup Description can be used to provide extra information about what participants need to bring to packet pickup. This can be useful if you are requiring a form of ID or a printed confirmation at pickup for example. This can also be used instead of the fields above if you have multiple packet pickup locations and times that you would like to let your runners know about.  

Important Note: All of the fields concerning packet pickup are meant for use with RunSignup's email marketing feature. If you would like to display this packet information on your race website as well, you would want to check this box:



On the race dashboard if you go to email V2 and click send email, you can then open the replacement tag section. You can insert any or all of these replacement tags into your email to send out this information to participants:



When the email is sent out, the replacement tags will be replaced by the corresponding packet pickup information. 

Don't forget to click "Save Settings" to save your work.


To learn how to edit your race location, check out this guide.

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