Email V2: Building Your Email From Scratch

Now it’s time to create your email! Select Create Email.

This takes you into the Email Builder where you can create or choose a design. Within the first tab, System Templates, you will choose between three options for creating your email:

Note: There are two tabs on this screen: System Templates contains the three options above for creating an email, while Your Saved Templates houses your saved templates.


Start from Scratch

You will be taken to your email’s design board where you can add sections and content. Your board starts you out with the basics: theme, header, and footer. Between the header and footer is where you can start adding sections to display your content.

Your email template pulls in the primary theme color from your website so that there is consistency between your website and email communications. You can update the color by clicking and choosing a new option.


You can customize your email header and footer by clicking the gear in the upper right corner. Replace the logo and name. For example, while we default to your event’s logo and name, your organization may want to use your company or nonprofit logo/name instead.

Add content to your email by creating a section. There are one column and two column options.

Then choose your content type from the options provided. All content types can be utilized with a single or double-column section:

  • Text
  • Feature 1 (text + button, dark background)
  • Feature 2 (text + button, white background)
  • Image, text, button
  • Button
  • Image
  • Divider (a line that can create spacing between sections)

You can add multiple content blocks per section. For example, add text, then add a button. Click on the plus symbol within the section to bring up the “Add Content” pop-up or click on the type of content block you want inside of the sidebar on the right of your screen. You’ll notice that the section you are adding content to is framed for easy identification.

Use data replacement tags to personalize your emails and show your understanding and appreciation of your participant’s relationship with your event and organization. You can choose from the dropdown menu or just start typing a % and the full list will automatically appear – as you continue to type, the list of tags will narrow down to the one you are looking for. The below example is an email to the system list of Current Year Participants. The replacement tags created with that list appear as options.

Edit or Delete Sections

Some content types have gear icons at the top right where you can edit headings, button names and links, or other items. You can remove entire sections or content by clicking on the trash can icon.


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