Enable Deferrals For Your Race

How to Enable Deferrals for your Race

RunSignup allows Race Directors the ability to let their Participants defer their registration right from their RunSignup profile.

This feature is found on the Race Dashboard under Participants > Participant Management > Deferrals


Enabling Deferrals

You can allow participants to defer their registration for next year. The participant will not get a refund for deferred registrations.

If you enable this, you will be able to download the list of deferred registrations from the report found under Reports > Not Registered > Deferred Registrations

You can use this to set up coupons for these participants for next year's race as explained here.

Setting Up Deferral Fees & Cutoff Dates

Deferral Fees

You can set a Deferral Fee if you would like to charge runners a fee to defer their entries. This is an overall fee that will apply to all Events in your Race, but you can change each Event’s Deferral Fee individually by selecting Use Custom Event Settings from the Event Settings section. Additionally you can select to not allow certain Events to accept deferrals at all by using the Do NOT allow deferrals option.

Cutoff Dates

In addition to setting an overall or Event Specific Deferral Fee, you can also set a Cutoff Date after which Deferrals will no longer be allowed. You can select the Use Custom Event Settings option to adjust each Event’s Cutoff Date individually instead of setting an overall Cutoff Date for all Deferrals.


Advanced Settings

Additionally you can limit people who registered in a particular time range to defer. Any registration that fall outside of the minimum and maximum date set will not be able to register. 

You can also require a new waiver signature when deferring a registration. By default, this setting is unchecked. If you require a new waiver signature, you will be allowed to type in a deferral waiver verbiage in the text box. 


Event Settings

By default, Deferral setup is applied to all of the events on your Race. If you would like to limit deferrals to a specific Race OR create different deferral settings for each events then please see Event settings.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I defer my registration?

A: If the Race offers deferrals, then you can defer you registration by logging on to RunSignup > Manage Registration > Deferrals. Otherwise, please contact the Race directly for more information. Here is a guide on how to defer/claim registration.

Q: I deferred my registration last year. How do I claim my deferral?

A: Races will handle claiming deferred entries differently. You will need to contact the race organizers to find out what their specific process is for claiming a previously deferred entry once they have opened up registration for the following year.

Q: A registrant contacted me wanting to claim their deferral. How do I reinstate their registration?

A: First, confirm that the registrant is on your deferral report can be found via Race Dashboard > Reports > Not Registered > Deferred Registrations. Select the appropriate Event Date for the participant in question. If the registrant's name is on this report, then this confirms that they have deferred their registration.

After confirming the registrant deferred their registration, then import their registration to the appropriate Event via Race Dashboard > Participants > Import. For more information on how to Import, see here.

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