Facebook Fundraising Management and Reports

There are several steps that Charity Partners need to take in order to gain access to RunSignup’s Facebook Fundraiser API Integration. Please see this guide for the Facebook fundraiser setup steps


Managing your Facebook Fundraising

Races can enable the setting to allow the Charity Partner(s) to enter offline donations (this setting can be found in the individual Charity Partner set up page).


If this setting is enabled, Charity Partners will be able to view all Facebook Donations under Financial >> Manual Donations.

Every Charity Partner that enables the Facebook Fundraiser API Integration will also be able to view Facebook donations in the dashboard by going to Financial >> Donation Summary, regardless of the permissions given by the race. Click Download as CSV at the bottom of the report.



The export shows Facebook Donation in the First Name and Last Name columns, along with the donation amount and the date when the donation was made on Facebook. 

Additionally, the race will be able to view Facebook Donations across all Charity Partners from the Race Dashboard by going to Donations >> Manual on the Race Dashboard. This report will show the Charity Partner name so that the race can easily distinguish which Facebook donations are associated with each Charity Partner.


Facebook Fundraising Reports

Charity partners can view three different reports for Facebook fundraisers. Each report will have a Race Name column so that you know which race's data you are viewing. 

Overview Report

To view the Overview Report, go to Race Dashboard >> Fundraising >> Facebook Fundraisers >> Overview. This report summarizes the impact of your race's Facebook fundraising in the context of your aggregate fundraising statistics. 

You can enter start and end dates to view fundraising statistics for a certain period of time. 



The report displays as a series of tiles:


The effective processing rate is the percentage of donation revenue that your nonprofit is actually paying to RunSignup. Since Facebook covers processing fees for all donations made on Facebook, this gives you an idea of how much your nonprofit saves with our free Facebook Fundraiser integration. (RunSignup's standard donation processing fee is 4%). 


The Total Amount Fundraised tile shows the numbers for Facebook fundraising next to the RunSignup fundraising total, so you can compare the two numbers and evaluate the impact of Facebook fundraising. 



Total Fundraiser Donations shows the number of donations made broken down by the number of donations from Facebook Fundraisers and the number of donations made on RunSignup. 


Individual Fundraisers The number at the top of the tile shows your total number of individual fundraisers. Below you will find the number of individual fundraisers who created a synced Facebook Fundraiser, as well as the overall percentage of individual fundraisers with linked Facebook Fundraisers.


Facebook Enabled Fundraisers Report

To view this report, go to Race Dashboard>>Fundraising>>Facebook Fundraisers>>Enabled Fundraisers. This report displays a list of all your fundraisers who are using Facebook. You can search for a certain person, sort by dates, or display only fundraisers who have raised a certain amount using the search fields at the top.



Below, you can view a list of fundraisers with their information. This includes their total amount raised on Facebook and total amount on RunSignup:


Facebook Fundraiser Donations

To view this report, go to Race Dashboard>>Fundraising>>Facebook Fundraisers>> Fundraiser Donations. This report shows all Facebook donations made to your race's connected fundraisers. You can search at the top for date ranges, donation minimums and maximums, and the Facebook Donation ID in order to find a specific donation.


This report shows not only the date and time that the Facebook donation was made, but also the Facebook Donation ID. This gives your team another field that can be used for reconciliation and allocation of Facebook donations. You can easily download the report as a CSV, and use hyperlinks to immediately access any individual’s fundraising page on RunSignup and Facebook.


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