Fast Registration Settings



RunSignUp offers various options for speeding up your registration process.


IMPORTANT:  You will want to be VERY careful when changing the settings for this feature, as they will result in limiting the amount of information that you collect from your registrants.

You can access these settings from your Race Dashboard by going to Race > Registration > Fast Registration Options.


On this page, you will be able to enable any of the quick registration options that are found here.  Aside from the 1-Click Registration option, which will only appear if your race is in it’s second iteration, enabling any of the other options will open up three categories of checkboxes.

Skipping Certain Fields

The Skip These Fields section will allow you to remove any or all of the fields listed here from your registration process.  Be VERY careful using this setting as it will restrict the collection of data from your participants.

Skipping Certain Steps

The Skip These Steps section will allow your to remove any or all of the entire steps listed here from your registration process.

Skipping Certain Custom Questions

The Skip These Certain Questions section will allow you to remove any or all of the custom questions that you have set up for your race from your registration process.

Note: If you are removing all of the registration questions from you race, then you can do this in the Skip These Steps section, by selecting Custom Questions


Types of Fast Registration Options

When Using a Mobile Device

You can Enable Quick Registration on Mobile which will apply these settings any time a person’s screen width is no greater that 599 pixels.

During a Date/Time Period

You can Enable Quick Registration by Date Range which will apply these settings to all people who register between the Start Date and the End Date that you set here (including those on mobile).

Note: Any fields, steps, and/or custom questions that are skipped here, will be skipped for Mobile Registration, the Quick/Fast Registration URL, and the Expo Mode Registration, until the End Date passes.


Only Through a Specific URL

You can Enable Quick Registration via the above URL which will apply these settings when anyone registers at your race’s specific “Quick Registration URL”.

When Using Expo Mode

You can Enable Quick Registration on Expo Mode Registration which will apply these settings when anyone registers while your race is in expo mode.

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