How to Customize Email Notifications

RunSignUp allows race directors to customize all email notifications for their Race so that you can tailor all of your communications to fit your unique event’s needs. These notification emails include emails that go out to Participants (like the Registration Confirmation Email), Team Captains (like when a new member joins a team), or Race Directors (like the daily registration summary).

You can access this setting from your Race Dashboard by going to Race > Notifications > General Settings.


Contact Email Address

The first setting that you will encounter is the Contact Email Address. This setting includes what you have entered here as a reply-to address for any notifications sent out from this race. This ensures that participants can easily respond to any outgoing notifications and they will be directed back to the correct email address.


Payment Emails

This checkbox will enable payment detail notifications for Braintree Check payments to all race directors on your race.


Editing Notifications

Next you will encounter a table that includes all editable Email Notifications.



This column will list out the names of all of the email notifications that are able to be updated. To edit the notification you can click the name of the notification itself to bring you to the notification editor page for this notification.


Notification Editor

When editing a notification email sometimes you will be able to customize it so that the email that goes to the User is different from the email that goes to the Director. Each of these notifications are shown as an example email in a scrollable window. Not all text is editable within the example email. You will be able to edit any text that is within a text editor in this example. Be sure to scroll down in the example in order to see all editable sections to customize them to your liking.

For instance, the "Race Group Member Added" email can be customized for Users and Captains separately:



Add additional text to your notifications

If you'd like, you can add additional wording to your notifications.


Additional Options

Once you have changed the wording of the notification to fit your Race better, consider these additional options that may be useful to you. You can choose to send this particular email notification to specific email addresses that may not be directors of your race.

You can uncheck the Send notifications to standard E-mail addresses too option to disable this notification from being sent to the standard E-mail addresses it normally would go to based on the type of E-mail it is.


Registration Confirmation Additional Customization Settings

You can also adjust the Content Order of some email notifications. For example in the “User Registered” notification you will be able to adjust the order of the sections in this notification.


In the “User Registered” notification you can also decide whether or not you would like to include a calendar event with the email for your Race. Finally you can also customize the Subject Line of the “User Registered” notification by checking the Custom Subject Line box and entering in a new subject.


You can also add a Custom Subject Line in some E-mails:


After you have made all of your changes be sure to click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.


Who Receives The Notification?

The right hand columns including checkboxes are to indicate who receives notifications for the email notification to the left. Not all checkboxes are clickable as some email notifications are required for certain users. For instance, there is no reason for a participant to not receive an email that they have been selected from the waiting list, so the option to uncheck “User” from this notification is impossible.


You also have the option to send all “Director” notifications to additional email accounts at the bottom of the page by using the Additional Email Addresses section.


Event Specific Confirmation Emails

You also have the option to make Registration Confirmation email notifications specific to the Event that the registration was for. This is useful when you have very different Events in one race in which you need to communicate different information to your participants. You can set this up by going to Race > Notifications > Event Specific Confirmation Emails and filling out each section for each Event that you have in your Race.

You can see how to add the Apple Wallet option to participants' confirmation emails here to speed up race day checkin.

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