Issue a Registration Refund

As the Race Director for your Race, you are able to issue full or partial refunds to your participants. These instructions are for issuing a single registration refund.  

To issue refunds for multiple registrations at once, please see the help topic How Do I Issue Bulk Refunds?


Enter the participant name using the Search by Name toolbar located on the top right of your Race Dashboard. Alternatively, you can search for the participant via Participants -> Participant Management -> Search Participants.


Click on the "Manage" button for the Participant you would like to issue a refund.

On the next page, you can view the Participant information as well as perform a list of options including Editing Participant Info, Issue a Refund, Transfers, etc.

Important: You must have funds in the Refund Reserve in order to issue a Refund. By default, if you have refunds or transfers turned on for your Race, RunSignUp will keep some of the race funds in Refund Reserve to pay for potential refunds until the race is completed.

If you would like to add funds to your Refund Reserve, see the question "How do I add funds to the Refund Reserve?".

Note: As of April 2020 RunSignup has eliminated the $1/refund transaction fee.  

Issue a Full Refund

The page will open to the Full Refund tab by default. To issue a full refund simply select the toggle to set the post-refund registrant status, add any desired internal notes and click Issue Refund

The refundable amount (including processing fees) that the participant paid for his/her registration will show as the amount to be refunded. 


Maximum Refund Available - This amount may not match the full transaction amount.  The amount shown will not include donations or store sales which must be refunded separately.  Any previous refunds issued will reduce the refundable amount.

Sales Tax handling: Sales tax collected in a non-marketplace state and paid to the race for filing with the state is included in the full Refund amount shown. The refundable amount as shown does not include Sales Tax collected and paid by RunSignup in a Marketplace State.  However, if a full refund is issued, all sales tax collected by RunSignup will be added to the final refunded amount. It is not show here because the sales tax amount is not deducted from the race reserve.

Issue a Partial Refund

The page will open to the Full Refund tab by default. To issue a Partial Refund Click the Partial Refund tab.

This will reveal the refund table.  Most details will auto-fill.  Only the Total Refund Amount is editable. Enter any amount you wish to refund up to the Maximum Refund Amount (Runner Paid). If no sales tax was collected on this transaction no further information is needed.  If sales taxes were collected we recommend you see the Refund Line Items instructions below to ensure appropriate refunding of sales tax.


Race Net Profits (Including Race Refund Fee) - This amount is auto calculated based upon the amount to be refunded. A Race Net Profit of $0 indicates that you are refunding the full registration fee but none of the processing fees.  If Processing fees are included in the refund amount the race would incur a negative net profit. 

Optional - Refund Line items - Click on the Refund Line Items pull down to reveal the Sales Tax line items for the transaction.  Breaking out a partial refund by line item ensures that the registrant correctly receives a refund of any sales tax they paid on that item. Once an amount is entered in the Refund Amount Box, the calculated sales tax refund will be displayed to the right.  

Remove Registrant from Event


When issuing refunds you must choose whether you would like the participant to be removed from the event or not. It is most common to remove runners if they are fully refunded to avoid later confusion but you can choose to leave them in the race if appropriate.  A Yes or No Choice is required to proceed and for the refund to be issued.


Optional Notes: This field is to be used for in-race notes regarding a refund.  The recipient of the refund will not see this note so this field can not be used to communicate to a runner the reason for the refund.  Please use the Email Marketing option to communicate with participants.

When you have everything filled out correctly, click on the button for Issue Refund, and a confirmation message will let you know that the transaction has been completed. The recipient will receive an email notification of their refund and whether they were removed from the event or not.  

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