Manage Coupon Codes

After creating coupon codes, you have the ability to edit, download, expire, and remove coupon codes. This tutorial will walk you through the different aspects of coupon code management.


After creating coupon codes, as is explained in the section for “How to Add Coupon Codes”, you have the ability to manage these coupon codes by returning to the “Financial” tab of the race dashboard, and opening up the “Coupons” subheading.


Edit a Coupon Code

To edit an existing coupon code, you simply need to click on the “Edit” button in the same row as the code, and all of the original coupon code settings will be made available for editing in the same way as is explained in the “How to Add Coupon Codes” section.


Edit All Visible Coupons

If you need to edit multiple coupon codes at the same time, then you can click “Edit All VisibleCoupons”, and all of the coupon codes visible on that page can be modified to have the same settings.  Within the “Edit All Visible Coupons” pop-up box, you will be able to set all fields as explained in “How to Add Coupon Codes”.


Note: The “Edit All Visible Coupons” box will not allow you to change the “Coupon Code” names.


Download Coupon Code Information

Below the coupon code table, you can click on “Download All as CSV” in order to download a list consisting of all coupon code information and usage details.


Expire a Coupon Code

By clicking on the “Expire” button in the same row as a coupon code, you will then be given a pop-up window that allows you to hit “Expire Coupon”.  Using the “Expire” button is the equivalent to setting the coupon code’s “Coupon Expires” field to today.


In order to make an expired coupon redeemable once more, then edit the coupon code’s “Coupon Expires” field to a date in the future, or leave it blank, and save the changes.


Remove a Coupon Code

If you click on the “Remove” button in the same row as a coupon code, then a pop-up window will allow you to hit “Remove Coupon”.  By removing a coupon code from a race, you will no longer be able to see the summary information for that coupon.


Note: If this coupon code is shared with other races, then it will still remain active for those races.


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