Manage Emails

Any emails that are currently waiting to be sent out by RunSignUp's email marketing system can be managed before they are sent. You can also view some information on sent emails, or re-use a previously sent email to create a new one. These features and more are explained below.


RunSignUp allows Race Directors who have sent out emails using our built in Email Marketing Platform to manage multiple types of emails in a few different ways. See below for the options that you as a Race Director have.


Draft Emails

Draft Emails are useful if you already have content ready for an email, but have not yet solidified your contact list, or if you want to save your work before sending a mass email. This is found by going to Email Marketing > Manage Emails > Draft Emails


Edit/Send Draft Email

The Edit/Send function opens back up the email designer page where you originally had written up your draft. From here you can edit any available information and/or send the email as described in How-To Send Emails.


Delete Draft Email

If you decide that you no longer need a Draft email saved, then you can use the Trash Can icon to completely remove it from your Manage Draft Emails list.

Sent Emails

RunSignUp lets you view details for Sent Emails by using the Manage Sent Emails function found by going to Email Marketing > Manage Emails > Sent Emails


Here you will find a table that shows you the Created Date and Sent Date for a specific Email Name, as well as the Subject of that email.  You will also be given a few options within the table, for each of these emails.  They are as follows:


Download Recipients

This function lets you download a CSV spreadsheet with all of the contacts that this email went out to.


View Message

To view the text of your message, use the View Message link. Please note that this will not include any attachments, but it will include any images that you have included using HTML.


Other Details

This link will show the Reply-To Address that was used for this email.


Send Again

This link will copy all of the settings for this email so that you can quickly use an old email as a template for a new one.

Unconfirmed Emails

This report shows emails which were written, but not confirmed and therefore not sent out.  This report can be accessed by going to Email Marketing > Manage Emails > Unconfirmed Emails


Here you will find a table that shows your unconfirmed emails by Email Name and Email Subject.

By clicking on the edit icon in the Email Options section, you can restore the email into the send emails system.


Once here, you can edit any available information and/or send the email as described in How-To Send Emails.

NOTE: After clicking the Review Email button, you still need to click Send Email in order to have the email be sent.
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IMPORTANT: Please be sure to confirm your email was not previously sent by checking sent and scheduled email reports before re-sending an unconfirmed email.

Sent Automated Emails

In order to view details of Sent Automated Emails go to Email Marketing > Manage Emails > Sent Automated Emails.


The Sent Automated Emails page is very similar to the Sent Emails Page explained above, however, this section will only list the automated emails that have been sent out from your race.

Scheduled Emails

The Scheduled Emails Management Page allows you to view details on your Scheduled Emails. You can find this feature by going to Email Marketing > Manage Emails > Scheduled Emails.



Approximate Email Delivery Date

The scheduled time for your email will be listed here for each scheduled email that you have.

Edit Scheduled Email

The Edit/Send function opens back up the email designer page where you originally had written up your Scheduled Email.

From here, you can edit any available information and/or send the email, as described in tutorial for How To Send Emails.

Delete Scheduled Email

If you decide that you would longer like to send this email you can use the Trash Can icon to completely delete it.

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