Manually Create a Referral Code


Manually Create a Referral Code

In addition to the automatically set up referral codes, which is explained in the tutorial for Setting Up Referral Tracking, you can also add referral codes manually.  This is useful for allowing non-registrants the ability to participate in your referral challenge.

To add a referral code manually, just go to the Promotions tab of the race dashboard, open up the Referral Tracking section, and then click Manage Codes.

With the Report Type set to Referral Codes, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on the button for Add a Referral Code.

In the Add Referral box that pops up, simply give a Referral Description (this is usually the name of the person or organization that you are giving the code to), and if applicable, you can enter in a Referral Email for that code.  That email address will receive the code once it is created, however, if no email is entered here, then you will need to get the code to them some other way (word of mouth, message in a bottle, carrier pigeon).


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