Set Up The Giveaway

Table of contents:


Race Merchandise Options 


Giveaway Inventories 









Set Up Giveaway


RunSignup allows race directors to set up give-aways, such as T-shirts, for a race. We also provide the ability to set up different pricing based on the give-away option selected.


Race Merchandise Options


RunSignup has three main systems for selling - or optionally giving away - Race Merchandise Options. Each option has the ability to set inventory levels, availability dates, and give participants the ability to purchase items, or edit their item options after they have already registered.


Note: These systems are separate so any inventories of similar item options like shirt size will not be counted together in reporting. If you have multiple race merchandise options enabled for the same item you will need to manually account for their counts and inventory by using each merchandise option's reporting and combining them


For several races, runners will receive a free giveaway as a perk for registering into an event. If you would like to set up a giveaway, free or otherwise, then the “Giveaway” section will allow you to do so for each of the events you created in the “Basic Info” step. The “Giveaway” settings can be modified across several events at the same time, or by individual event.



Giveaway Setup


For each event, you will be asked the question “Do registrants get a free give-away (e.g. shirt)?” If you click “Yes”, then you can move on to customizing the giveaway settings. If the giveaways are the same for different events, you can choose to copy to other events



Giveaway Description


The Giveaway Description is the title of the generic item that yƒunisexou are giving away. Most of the time this is simply “T-Shirt”, “Hoodie”, or “Headband”. If you have multiple types of this Giveaway such as different sizes or colors, you can define those later as Giveaway Options.




Cutoff Date


You can choose to set a cut-off date here. This will mean that after this date participants will no longer be able to select a Giveaway.




Giveaway Image


You can upload an image of your Giveaway by browsing for an image on your computer in any of these formats: .png, .jpeg, .jpg, or .gif.

You are only able to upload one image per Giveaway.




Adding, Rearranging & Deleting Giveaway Options


Use the “trash can” button to remove a Giveaway Option, and the arrow buttons to move a Giveaway Option to move your Giveaway Options up or down in the table.




Giveaway Option Description


Use this field to describe to your registrants the option that they are selection of this Giveaway. Most commonly this is a shirt size. 

Each Giveaway Option that is added will appear as an item in a dropdown list when the participant is prompted to select a Giveaway during registration




Extra Price


You are given the option here to add in an additional cost for this Giveaway Option. A lot of races will decide that they need to charge extra for a certain Giveaway Option because they cost more to produce. For instance - you may need to make your 2XL shirts cost $3 instead of giving them away for free in order to cover your overhead costs.



Some races will decided to give a discount for not choosing a giveaway. You can do this by putting in a negative price $-3.00




Note: You have the option to change the Extra Price for all Giveaway Options if you would like to charge for your Giveaway, instead of making it a free selection for all users. 


Fits These Standard Sizes


If your Giveaway is a shirt, then you may want to additionally define what this size fits like. By setting a giveaway classification, you can make registration quicker by taking advantage of saved giveaway preferences for previous registrants.


For instance if you have a Unisex size range of tech shirts, and know that the Small runs very large and fits like a Women’s Large, you can use the Add Another button. Next select Shirt - Female L, so that when a registrant is going through the registration process and has selected a Female Large shirt in another race, the dropdown for the Giveaway will be auto-filled with Unisex/Male S.


You can define a “Fits These Standard Sizes” for each Giveaway Option that you have created.





Copy to Other Events


Once you have completed Giveaway Setup for the event, you can quickly and easily copy these same settings to any or all Events in your Race by clicking the Copy To Other Events button next to the Event Name that you have defined Giveaways for. 



Modify Multiple


Alternatively, you can define Giveaways for multiple Events at the same time by using the Modify Multiple button at the top of the Giveaway Setup Page. From here you can select any combination of events that you would like to set up Giveaways for.hen You can start setting up your Giveaway, adding and rearranging any Giveaway Options, set additional Giveaway Option pricing, and defining any standard sizes that these Options fit like from this pop-up. Once you are ready to save, you will need to click the Copy To Events button and the settings will be copied to all of the Events that you have selected above.




Note: By default all inputs are disabled. They appear to be faded. To edit a setting, simply click in the input you want to change. You will notice that the input will no longer be faded. If you decide you don't want to change an input anymore, just hit the "ESC" key while focused on the input.

Quantity Projection


RunSignup gives Race Directors a tool for Giveaway Projections. This is very helpful if you use RunSignup’s Giveaway Inventory feature to keep track of the amount of Giveaway Options that you purchase. This tool can be found on the Giveaway Report page.



The planning tool shows the previous year’s total giveaways in graph and table form. The table shows % growth or decline each year.

The projection tool autofills last year’s totals by size. You can then set a % growth rate and it will auto-calculate by size what you need.




Giveaway Inventories


To set inventories, we have a Simple and Advanced way of setting the inventories. Once the inventories are set, we will take care of notifying runners when the Small T-Shirts have been depleted so they can chose a Medium. This can be found by navigating to Race > Giveaways/Add-ons > Giveaway Inventory.



Simple Setup


1) Select an event (or all events if you are using the same T-Shirt across all events).





2) Pick which sizes you want to set a quantity for. You can set an inventory for any single size (we will have 300 Small’s, 500 Mediums, 400 Large, etc.) or you can set an inventory for all of them (We will have 1,000 shirts regardless of size and after that we are out).




3) Set the total quantity amount for the selected options.


Important: This is the total amount of the option including quantities which were already given out. Do not enter the leftover quantity amount.





Once you save the Inventory settings, the currently available quantity will be auto-calculated based on what was already given out to registrants. For the example above, there is 60 total quantity of Youth Small T-Shirts for the Event - 1 Mile. If 4 registrants have already selected the Adult Small, then the currently available quantity will be automatically show 56.

Advanced Setup


The advanced setting allows you to create inventories by mixing and matching in any order of Event or Size. For example, if you wanted to have two events that shared a shirt and one event that had it’s own shirt.




Giveaway Management


RunSignup gives the option for Race Directors to enable participant self-management of their Giveaway selections through the participant’s User Profile, and also allows Race Directors to manage a participant’s Giveaway Selection themselves through the Race Dashboard. 


You can allow participants to edit their giveaway (e.g. T-shirt) after completing their registration through their RunSignup Profile by going to Participants > Participant Management > Giveaway Management.



If you would like to you can additionally set a Cutoff Date so that participants will only be able to manage their Giveaway Selection until the date that you have entered.



Participants can manage their Giveaway Selection from their Registration Management page found by clicking the Manage Registration link in their Registration Confirmation Email, or by following the steps described in How To Update T-Shirt Size/Giveaway.


Why did my race stop asking participants for their shirt size?


If you have set up a Giveaway Item, and it is not showing up on your race page and/or registration page then you have either set a Giveaway Cutoff Date which has past, or have set up Age Based Pricing or Multi-Person Sign Up Pricing and selected to not give participants using these discounts the option to select a Giveaway.

  • Your Giveaway Cutoff Date is in the past.
  • Your are using pricing that you have set up to not allow Giveaways with.


How do I change a Giveaway for a participant?


If you only want to update a single participant’s Giveaway selection, and do not want to give the ability for all participants to update their Giveaway selection, you - as the race director - can do so by going editing this participant’s information as described in How To Edit Participant Info

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