Set Up USAT Membership


Membership Setup

The most prominent uses of the Memberships feature is for USA Track and Field (USATF) Memberships and USA Triathlon (USAT) Memberships, however, the Memberships option can be used to create U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association (USSA), Membership USA Cycling (USAC) Membership, and/or an AARP Membership and/or your own custom type of membership discounts as well. This section will explain the steps involved with setting up a membership for your race.

Under the Financial tab of the race dashboard, in the Pricing section, you will find the subheading for Memberships.


Note: The Memberships option can be used to create your own types of custom membership discounts.  However, there are other features on RunSignUp that may be more suitable for your needs instead of creating a custom membership setting.  Before setting up Memberships for anything other than the USATF, USAT, USSA, USAC, and/or AARP, please check out Club Membership Discounts, Corporate Teams, Coupons, and/or Registration Add-ons, as these may be geared more towards your desired outcome.

Global Race Settings

If you open up the section for Global Race Settings, then you will find the option to Prohibit double dipping (i.e. don’t allow a single registrant to take more than one discount per event).

Note: This excludes USAT memberships.

If you would like to make sure that registrants do not receive more than one discount per event (excluding USAT memberships), then you can turn this option on by checking off the box, and then hitting Save Changes.


Setting Up Memberships and Adding Membership Settings

Membership settings can be enabled for All Events, Individual Events, or both.

If you click on the All Events heading to set up a membership, then any user who registers for your race will be asked about this membership option regardless of which event or events they selected. Also, if they are registering for multiple events, then they will only be asked once for this membership information, and any price adjustments will be applied once per event.

You can also set up event specific memberships separately by clicking on the Individual Event headers.

Regardless of whether you have selected the All Events heading, or an Individual Event heading, adding a membership setting follows the same procedure. To begin, click on the button marked Add Membership Setting.

At this point, you can decide whether you would like to create a USA Track and Field (USATF) Membership, USA Triathlon (USAT) Membership, U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association (USSA), Membership USA Cycling (USAC) Membership, an AARP Membership, or you can select none of these, to create a Custom Membership.


You can click the Uncheck button in order to clear out any of the radio buttons, and set up a Custom Membership.

Set Up USA Triathlon (USAT) Membership

By selecting the USA Triathlon (USAT) Membership option, the fields will be populated with the information for a standard USAT membership discount.

Additional fields will also be made available when you select USA Triathlon (USAT) Membership. The first of these fields is the USAT Event ID.  By entering in your USAT Event ID here, this will link your race directly with the USAT event, and all of the users who enter in their membership number will be allowed to register for your race using that membership.

If you do not know your USAT Event ID, then you can click on the link below the box for Search for Your Event ID, and searching by name, location, etcetera.

Once you have the USAT Event ID filled in, a drop-down menu will appear below each RSU-Event. By default we will auto fill in the appropriate USAT-Race for each RSu-Event however you will need to ensure each are associated correctly and make any adjustment if needed. Do this for each of your RSU Events and press Save.


The check box that says Use Full USAT Integration requiring participants to purchase a USAT membership or One-Day License during registration and enabling enhanced waiver management, must remain checked if you have selected the USA Triathlon (USAT) Membership option.


Some of these settings can be adjusted if necessary, and each field is explained in more detail in the upcoming section for Creating Custom Memberships.

When you are ready to create this membership setting, click on the button for Save Changes.


Deleting a Membership Setting

You can remove a membership setting by clicking on the Delete button in the corresponding membership settings box.


When you have finished modifying the necessary settings, click the button for Save Changes, and you will

receive confirmation that Your changes have been saved.


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