Setting Up Digital Bibs

Digital Bibs are a way for you automatically generate a customizable virtual bib number for your virtual participants to download, share, or print out. This enhances the Race experience for your participants and gives them a way to share their upcoming events with their friends and family.

IMPORTANT: Bib numbers MUST BE assigned in order for digital bibs to show for participants AND digital bibs can ONLY be used for virtual events.

You have the option to either use a standard bib template, or upload your own custom design.

To get started, navigate to RaceDay Tools > Bibs > Customize Digital Bib

From this page, select whether you'd like to use our own template, or create your own design using an image that you provide as a template.


Create Using Your Design

If you are uploading your own design, be sure to Choose your image before selecting Upload & Create Bib

When you click Create Bib or Upload & Create Bib you will be able to customize the information that shows on the bib.

First - be sure to name this Digital Bib. Maybe you need a separate design for the 10k and the 5k, or you can leave it as the default "Digital Bib" if you don't plan on making multiple designs. Be aware that creating another design with the same name does not update the existing design of that same name.

These Digital Bibs are set up out-of-the box with the most common data included in them, but you can also customize them to your liking. You can start customizing your Digital Bib by clicking the customize button under the template you want to customize.


Any of the boxes can be stretched and moved around the template, so you can easily customize your Digital Bibs to fit your races needs.

You can also delete any of these boxes by simply hitting the small X at the top right corner.

Double-clicking any of the text boxes brings up the Customize Component menu that lets you edit the font, and color of the font.

Clicking the Font Color text-box brings up a dialog that lets you chose what color text you would like.

You can add components to the certificate by clicking one of the buttons under the Add Component section below the editor.

When you have customized the design to your liking, be sure to save your work by clicking the Save button.

Assigning Digital Bibs to Events

Now when you go back to the main Digital Bib page you’ll be able to chose your new design for any or all events in your race.

You can select multiple Events by holding Ctrl (or Cmd on Mac) while clicking an Event:

Once you have assigned this Bib to at least one Event, click Save Settings. 

How Participants View Their Digital Bib

Now Participants will be able to access their Digital Bibs from their RunSignup Profile by clicking the View Digital Bib link under their Upcoming Events:


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