Setup a Race Store



Table of Contents 

Store Setup
Why Isn't my Store Showing Up on my Race Page?

Store Name and Description

Store Item Availability Period

Pricing and Quality

Image Upload

Remove Image

Store Item Placement

Adding Item Options

Adding, Rearranging and Deleting Items

Adding a Custom Field

Adding Optional Fees

Adding Store Fees

Viewing your Race Store

Checkout Page

If you have merchandise related to your race, such as hoodies, wristbands, or even cowbells, then you may want to consider setting up a store on RunSignup. This way, all of the elements related to your race can be found in one spot.

Stores are useful for events that want to sell multiple types of items to registrants as well as the general public. By default, users do not need to register for the race to access the store, but registrants are prompted to purchase store items during registration.


RunSignup has multiple options for organizing your Race Merchandise sales and inventory. Store items in particular allow races to offer up their merchandise to registrants as well as the general public. RunSignup stores also allow more sophisticated per-item option fee options. 


To begin creating an online store for your race, select Store--->Setup on your main dashboard.




Why isn’t my store showing on my race page?


If you have set up a store, and it is not showing up on your race page and/or registration page then you either have no available items in your store at the moment, or you have hidden the store tab.

  • Your store does not currently have any available items
  • Your Store is hidden


Race Merchandise Options


If you have a large selection of merchandise options available for your race, such as hoodies, wristbands, or even cowbells, then you may want to consider setting up Add-Ons on RunSignup. This way users will be given the option to purchase numerous additional items during their registration process.


Add ons are useful if you would like to offer more than just a Giveaway to your registrants. Users are only able to purchase add ons during or after registration. Users cannot purchase an add on item without registering for the race. If you would like to offer items for sale to those who are not registering see the guide on how to set up a Race Store.


Adding Store Items


Store Item Name & Description

The RunSignup Store allows you to add multiple items for your participants to choose from. Enter a name into the Item field, and a description into the Description editor.





On the Store Front the description will show beneath the Item Name and Price.



Store Item Availability Period

For each Store Item you will have the option to define an Availability Period during which users will be able to select this Item. This Store Item will not be displayed in your Race’s Store unless the current date is some time between the two entered dates. 




If you leave the start date blank, then your item will be available for purchase immediately. If you leave the end date blank, then your item will be available for purchase indefinitely.



Pricing and Quantity

Next you will need to define the Cost per Item. Note: You can enter a negative amount into the Cost field in order to subtract from the total transaction.




In this section you can also define the Maximum Quantity of this Store Item that a single user can purchase in one transaction. 

Additionally you can set a Quantity Available for this Store Item so that you can set an inventory. Once you sell as many items as you have set in this field, your Store Item will no longer be available for purchase.




Image Upload

Optionally you can upload an Image of your Store Item by clicking the Choose Your Image button under the Image section. If you’ve selected the wrong item you can use the Clear Selected File button to clear the Image selected.





Remove Image

If you decide that you do not like the Image that you’ve uploaded, you can remove the image by checking the Remove Image checkbox, and saving the page.



Store Item Placement

To make an item purchasable only to registrants of a certain event or events, check off the box indicating to only list this item when registering for a specific event or events. After checking the box, additional check boxes will appear below it, allowing you to select which event or events you would like this item listed for.




Adding Item Options



Item Options

If your item requires an option to be selected (such as size, color, etcetera), then click on the check box next to requires option. By checking this box, a table will open up to you, and in the first column, you can enter in the various options for that item. In the following column, you can enter in the total quantity in stock for each individual item if necessary.




Adding New Item Options

To create additional option fields, click on Add New Option, located beneath the table. To rearrange the options, use the up and down arrows. To delete any unwanted options, click on the X.




Adding, Rearranging & Deleting Items

Also, Item Options can either be rearranged, by using the up and down arrows, or they can be deleted, by using the X.


Once you are finished creating or updating your store items, be sure to click Save.


On the Store Front options will be displayed beneath the Store Item Name, Price, and Description.



Adding a Custom Field

You can add a Custom Field to each Store Item that you have by filling in the Custom Field Label with the description of the Custom Field that you would like to collect for each purchase of this item. This can be used for many any purpose in that you need to collect custom data for.





Adding Optional Fees

Optional Fees are applied to Individual Store Items. You can add these additional fees on a per-item basis if this Item requires additional handling, shipping, or tax fees that are not covered in the Store Fees which are covered later.




You can add two fees, either as a percentage of the Item Cost, or as a dollar value which is added to the Item Cost.

On the Store Front this will be displayed with the Store Item that it is applicable to.



Adding, Rearranging, & Deleting Items

You can add as many different items as you please to your store by clicking on the Add Item button.




You can rearrange multiple Store Items by using the the up and down arrows. To delete any unwanted Items, click on the X.



Adding Store Fees



Store Fees

Store fees are fees that apply to any purchase from the store. A percentage fee is based on the total store purchase amount before discounts, taxes, and processing fees.


You can add as many Store Fees as you like. To remove Store Fees, use the X to the right of the fee that you would like to remove.



Store Fee Text

You will need to enter in a Fee Text to describe this charge. Many stores use this field to define an overall shipping fee, handling fee, or tax charge.




Store Fee Amount

You can define the Fee Amount as either a percentage of the total charge, or as a dollar value to be added onto the total charge.





Store Fee Start & End Dates

Finally you can enter in Fee Start & End Dates to define a period in which this fee is applicable to your Store.




If you leave the start date blank, then your Store Fees will be applied immediately. If you leave the end date blank, then your Store Fees will be applied indefinitely.





Viewing Your Race Store

To view your main race store, click on View Race Page, and go to the tab marked Store.


Item Purchase Page




Checkout Page

On the Checkout Page, all of your Store Items are displayed as line items, and their associated Item Fees and Store Fees are listed as their own line item as well.


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