Setup Add-Ons

Setup Add-Ons

RunSignUp allows you to sell Add-On items within the registration of your Race. This can be used to sell extra shirts, finishing medals, etc. If you have items that you may want to also sell to the general public see our guide on How to Setup a Race Store.

Table of Contents

Race Merchandise Options

Setup Add Ons

Add-On Management of Existing Purchases

Add-On Information

From your Race Dashboard, you can access your Add-On setup by going to Race > Giveaways/Add-Ons > Registration Add Ons.


Race Merchandise Options

RunSignUp has three main systems for selling - or optionally giving away - Race merchandise options. Each option has the ability to set inventory levels, availability dates, and give participants the ability to purchase items, or edit their item options after they have already registered.

Note: These systems are separate so any inventories of similar item options like shirt size will not be counted together in reporting. If you have multiple race merchandise options enabled for the same item you will need to manually account for their counts and inventory by using each merchandise option's reporting and combining them

If you have a large selection of merchandise options available for your race, such as hoodies, wristbands, or even cowbells, then you may want to consider setting up Add-Ons on RunSignUp. This way users will be given the option to purchase numerous additional items during their registration process.

Add ons are useful if you would like to offer more than just a Giveaway to your registrants. Users are only able to purchase add ons during or after registration. Users cannot purchase an add on item without registering for the race. If you would like to offer items for sale to those who are not registering see the guide on how to set up a Race Store.

To begin selling Add-Ons for your race, go to Race tab of the race dashboard then click Giveaways/Add-ons, and in the next menu choose Registration Add Ons.

Setup Add-Ons

Creating A New Add-On

Once you arrive on the Registration Add-Ons Setup Page, you can click New Add-On to begin creating your Add-On items. You can create as many Add-Ons as you like so that you can offer different types of race related merchandise to your participants. 


Adding, Rearranging & Deleting Add-Ons

If you have multiple Add-Ons you can change their display order by using the blue up and down arrows. If you would like to remove an Add-On you can do so by clicking the blue X in the middle of the arrows. 


Deleting this add-on will remove it from the registration form and existing purchases won't appear in registration records. To just hide it from the form, you can set an “Available Until” date in the past instead (Advanced Options).


Add-On Management of Existing Purchases

Enable Participant Self-Management

If you would like to give your registrants the ability to change their Add-On selection you can do so by going to Participant Management > Add-On Management. You can set a date in which participants will be able to change their Add-On selection. Participant management of Add-Ons is described here:



Accessing Add-On Reports

If you would like to view a summary of your Add On purchases you can do so by clicking the View Add-Ons Report button found at the top of your Add-Ons Setup page. If you would like to view more information about a specific Add On click the name of the Add On. 


Add-On Information

Add-On Text

You will need to describe to your participants what the Add-On item is by filling out the name of the item in the Add-On Text. Be aware that this text should describe the item generally, and if you have different options for this Add-On like size or color they can be added later.


Add-On Description

Describe the Add-On item in the Add-On Description text field. This will be displayed to users when they are selecting an Add-On to purchase.


Add-On Price

The Add-On Price is the amount participants will be charged per Add-On.


Taxable Item Code

You can also set the taxable item code for each Add-On.


Advanced Options

The settings so far will cover the most common needs. If you find that these settings do not cover the use cases that you require, click the “+” button next to Advanced Options to open up more advanced settings.


Strikethrough Price

This gives the flexibility of setting a specific strike through price for each event and each registration period. For example, you may want to run a Valentine’s Day special – just set a registration period for February 14, and set a strike through price and your one day price. Or you may want to let people know what the price is on Race Day, as we did in the example below.


Here is an example of what a Strikethrough Price for Add-ons look like during registration:


Minimum and Maximum Quantity Per Transaction

These settings are to restrict the quantities of Add-Ons that are purchased on a total transaction. This is useful if you want to limit the total Add-Ons purchased by all users on a single checkout.


Ask Per Registrant

By default each participant is asked if they would like to purchase Add-Ons. If you would like to limit your checkout process so that only the first participant to register is given the option to purchase an Add-On you can deselect this option.


Minimum and Maximum Quantity Per Registrant

If you decide to prompt each user to purchase Add-Ons, you will also be able to restrict the quantities of Add-Ons that are purchased on a per registrant basis. Be aware that users may be able to register for multiple Events in one transaction. This setting will limit the amount of Add-Ons a single user can purchase, regardless of how many Events they are registering for.


Minimum and Maximum Quantity Per Registrant Per Event

If you decide to prompt each user to purchase Add-Ons, you will also be able to restrict the quantities of Add-Ons that are purchased on a per registrant per Event basis.


Ask Per Registrant Per Event

By default the option to ask each registrant if they would like to purchase an Add-On is only asked once if a user is registering for multiple Events in one transaction. If you would like the system to ask a user to purchase an Add-On for each Event that they are registering for, then you can select this option.


Total Quantity Available

If you would like to set a total inventory for your Add-Ons so that the item will no longer be available once they have sold out, you can add in the total quantity here.



Add On Availability

If you would like your Add-On to only be available during a certain time frame, you can do so with these settings. 

Additionally you can use the Available Until date to hide an Add-On if you do not want this Add-On to be displayed or purchased any more. 



Add On Options (Sizes, Color Choice, Etc…)

You can configure individual Add Ons to have multiple options so that you can sell different versions of the same Add On type. This is useful if you have multiple sizes or colors of the same item. Use the Add Option button to add in a new option for this Add On. You can also define a Quantity Available so that you can limit the total amount sold of this Add On Option. There is also the ability for you to set a price for this Add On Option if it is different from the price set in the overall Add On settings.


Event Specific Add-Ons

This feature will only allow participants to purchase this Add On if they are registering for an Event that you have selected under the Select Events section.


Add Custom Fields

Custom fields are a way to collect additional information from the participant about this item. For example you may be selling a custom shirt that has the name of the participant and how many years that they have participated in the event printed on the back.

You can use the Field Validation dropdown if you would like to limit entries to that of a certain type, or make the field required by using the checkboxes for each field. There is also the option to delete a field, or move it up or down in the list using the X and the Arrow buttons respectively.


More Information URL

If you have an external website that has more information on this Add-On you may put the URL of the website here so that users can click a link to learn more about this Add-On.


Only Allow if Waiver Signed

This feature will only allow participants to purchase this Add On if they are registering for an Event that you have selected under the Select Events section.


Require at least one Add-On per registrant per event

If you need to you can require that at least one Add-On per registrant per Event is selected. This ensures that, so long as there is total Add-On inventory available, each participant will have selected an Add-On of this type. For more information, see here.


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