Setup Question Logic

Question logic can be added to your registration questions to set when certain questions appear and when they are hidden.

Question Logic

Question Logic allows you to have the displaying of certain question be dependent on the response to a previous question.


IMPORTANT: In order to set up Question Logic, you will need to have all of your Questions created and saved, and they must be ordered in such a way, so that the dependent questions are following the questions that they are dependent on.  Also, questions that are NOT marked as "Ask Each Registrant" CANNOT be dependent on questions that are marked as "Ask Each Registrant"; however, they CAN have "Ask Each Registrant" questions be dependent on them. For more information on question creation and editing click here.

To set up Question Logic, begin by going to the Race tab of your dashboard, selecting Registration, and then opening up the Questions section.  Once on this page, click on the button marked Question Logic.


On the Question Logic page, you will find a table, and the first column will contain all of your "Questions".  These will be listed in the order in which you set them on the previous page.  The second column is for setting whether or not the question "Depends On [the] Response To" a question asked previously.

If you would like for the question to show up at all times, then leave the question set as (No Parent Question).

If you would like for a question's visibility to be dependent on a response to a previous question. then select the parent question from the dropdown menu, and use the Show For These Responses check boxes to indicate which responses from the parent question should cause the dependent question to show up.

Once you are finished setting up your question logic, click on the button for Save Question Logic, and a confirmation message will let you know that your changes have been saved.

Setup (Director Side) Usage (Registrant Side)
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(Click the image to view larger)

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