Setup Specific Relay Team Legs

Setup Specific Relay Team Legs

We have added a powerful new capability to custom questions – having a unique answer. This is very useful for races who want to specify which participant is doing each leg – for example Bob is doing leg 1, Jeff is doing leg 2, Meredith is doing Leg 3. As each of these people sign up, they are presented with a choice of which ones are available to choose from. For example, Meredith signs up first and takes the 3rd leg, then Bob and Jeff would only see legs 1 and 2 as choices until one of them selects a leg.

We have implemented this in a generic way using the Select Menu option. As you can see, you can set the question, set the potential choices, and then set whether the choices are done on a per race, event or group/team level.

To begin setting up this custom question, head over to your race dashboard and select Race > Registration > Questions


We recommend selecting the Select Menu for question type. Once you have added in your responses you will use the Ensure Unique Response Within setting to change to Group/Team

Note you also want to check the “Require Response” and “Ask Each Registrant” to make sure each person adds the required information.


We try our best to ensure that the response is unique for participants registering. However, race directors may import participants or edit question responses and cause duplicates.

Also, be careful when using this option that you have enough responses available for the expected number of participants.

Note also that participants won’t be able to update their question response through the management option if all options are selected. The race director can manually go in and override this – for example if a triathlon team is full, then the run leg and bike leg can not switch themselves – the race director will have to do that. The other option that participants can do (if enabled by the race director) is to just create a new team.

Finally, we do not recommend using this setting on the race or event level for races that sell out quickly because registrants will likely get an error at checkout indicating that their response is no longer available.

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