Share Store Order Management

As a race director, you have the ability to share store order responsibilities with other members of your race’s staff. This section will help you learn how to share access to the store summary and the store order management page.

Manage Store Orders Share Option

As a race director, you have the ability to share store order responsibilities with other members of your race’s staff.  To assign accounts access to store order management, go the advanced settings and open up the drop-down. Open up the sub-heading for Old Security Settings and find the section for “Manage Store Order."  In the “E-mail Address” field, enter in the email address of the person with whom you would like to share store order management responsibilities.


To grant multiple accounts access at one time, click on the “+ Add More” link and another “E-mail Address” field will be made available.


Once you are finished assigning new accounts access to the store order management sections, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the “Save Settings” button.


What Is Shared?

By adding a user to the “Manage Store Orders” section of the “Race Information Sharing” page, you allow that user to the store summary, and the store order management page.


Deleting Accounts from the Manage Store Orders List

To remove an accounts access privileges, simply click on the “X” to the right of their “E-mail Address” box and click “Save Settings” at the bottom of the page.


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