Upload Photos

Upload Photos

RunSignup's Photos allows you to showcase your race's photos and integrate them with results and allow participants to see their photos. This guide will walk you through how to add photos to your race.

To Upload Photos:

Go to the race dashboard, access the photos tab and click upload photos.

Select the Event Date you would like to upload your photo(s) to and then select the Photo Album. 

You will need to drag your photo or click the link to add a file from your computer and upload your photos.


And a few best practices...

* To limit errors in Google Vision tagging, use 4-digit bib numbers (1000+), and exclude tagging of numbers under 1,000

* When uploading Finish Line photos from multiple cameras, keep them in separate sets so that the timestamps are consistent throughout the set

To learn how to set up custom photo albums, please see this guide

To learn how to view and manage photos, please see this guide.

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