Use Automated Emails

RunSignup's Automated Emails are designed to allow for easy setup and delivery of various emails to your race participants. These emails will range from automatically emailing runners who did not complete their registration, to reminding runners to use your race services, like RaceJoy. Every automated email provided by RunSignup will have suggested sending dates, times, and content. This allows you to simply click On for any of these automated emails, and RunSignup will send these emails on your behalf with our suggested defaults.


If you want to customize the sending of your emails, either when they go out or the content of the emails, and even who they are sent to, you can turn on the automated emails, and change these options to suit your race.

You can find these feature on your Race Dashboard by going to Email Marketing > Automated Emails > About Automated Emails.


Automated Emails Types

Incomplete Registrations

Incomplete registration emails will be sent to runners who start the registration process but do not complete it. This is a great way to reach out to runners who got distracted and didn't finish their registration but want to participate in the race. Consider customizing your incomplete registration emails and add a small coupon code to encourage these runners to finish their registrations.

This Automated Email allows you to set this up once and it will take care of everything automatically for you. By default, we send them 3 days after the person has been to your registration page (we do not include people who come back and successfully register – one reason to wait a bit). We also make sure we do not send them out for events that are full, or if the incomplete registration happened close to the registration close date. The email goes out at 10AM in the morning.


These emails will automatically be sent to your currently registered race participants shortly before the race, and will remind them to download and use RaceJoy on RaceDay. Whether you have simply enabled your race for RaceJoy, or participated in the RaceJoy buyout option, this is a great way to help boost your RaceJoy usage and help give your runners a great RaceDay experience!

Registration Followup

Registration followup emails will be sent to participants who have registered for an event, either to each participant after a specified interval has passed or all current registrants on a specified date. The same email can be sent to all registrants or the followup email can be event specific, allowing registrants for different events to receive event specific followups.

Price Increase

These emails will be sent to current registrants informing them that the price is about to increase, and encouraging them to invite their friends. If referrals are enabled, the email will include the participant's referral link. If the race has participants in previous events, including uploaded participants, a separate version of the email will be sent to the previous participants inviting them to participate again this year, and encouraging them to sign up before the price increases.

Sponsor Emails

These emails will be sent to current registrants informing them of your race’s sponsors.  If any sponsor offers were added to your race’s sponsors, they will be included in this automated email.

Enable Automated Emails

In order to begin setting up automated emails, you will first need to turn on the automated email by selecting Enable Automated Emails.


After selecting this, you will have the option to Send Emails at Day Intervals and/or Send Emails on a Specific Calendar Date.

Send Emails at Day Intervals

This function allows you to send different emails at different intervals. You can send emails X days after a registration or an incomplete registration, or days prior to a price increase or the race (this is all relative to the type of email that you are sending).  You can turn on this option by selecting Yes from the Yes/No radio buttons in this section.


The first column will allow you to set the number of days "prior to" or "after" a specified occurrence (this occurrence will vary depending on the email, as explained in the previous paragraph).

Next, you will need to supply the Email Send Time and then you can click on the button to Save these automated email settings.


You can click Add Interval to create as many different intervals as you would like, and AFTER saving the intervals, you can use the View/Customize Email column in order to customize each intervals email with a different message if necessary (explained in more detail in a section below). 

You can delete any of the intervals by clicking on the in the delete column.

If you would like to stop sending emails at day intervals completely, then select No from the Yes/No radio buttons in that section.

Send Emails on a Specific Calendar Date

In addition to, or as an alternative to, the interval options, you can also set a specific calendar date on which an email will be sent out.  You can turn on this option by selecting Yes from the Yes/No radio buttons in this section.


Simply set the Email Send Date and the Email Send Time, and then Save the changes.


You can click Add Calendar Date to create as many different intervals as you would like, and AFTER saving the intervals, you can use the View/Customize Email column in order to customize each intervals email with a different message if necessary (explained in more detail in a section below).

You can delete any of the intervals by clicking on the in the delete column.

If you would like to stop sending emails on specific calendar dates completely, then select No from the Yes/No radio buttons in that section.

Disable Automated Emails

To turn off a particular set of automated emails completely, simple select the box for Disable [Automated Email].


And Save the changes.

View/Customize Automated Email

Once you have enabled an Automated Email Type and clicked Save, you will be able to View/Customize an Email by clicking the View/Customize Email link.


This page will allow you to define different versions of this email to be sent to different groups.  By default, the first email will be sent to registered participants and the second email will be sent to all previous but unregistered participants, however, these settings can be changed in the same way as explained in How to Send Emails.

You can rearrange your email versions using the Up and Down Arrows, or you can delete an email version by clicking on the link for Remove Email.


Additional versions can be added by clicking on Add Additional Version.


Emails can be customized as is explained in How to Send Emails and Creating and Managing Custom Email Lists.

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