Use Email Reports

Learn how to interpret RunSignup's Email Marketing Reports below.

Using Email Reports

RunSignup gives you direct access to the statistics around your emails. We automatically track delivery statistics, as well as email open and click rates. This information can help you determine how effective your email marketing campaigns are, and can help you maintain the quality of your custom email lists by informing you of bad email addresses, recipients who have marked your emails as spam, and people who have unsubscribed from your emails.

This allows you to avoid sending emails to them in the future, and can drastically improve the quality of your email list.

These email marketing reports are pulled directly from the email provider SendGrid. These reports will give you access to the various information about your marketing campaigns to help you investigate specific emails and to improve your overall deliverability rates.

You can find these feature on your Race Dashboard by going to Email Marketing > Email Reports > Reports, or by selecting one of the report types from the list of options under Email Marketing > Email Reports


Email Statistics

The Email Statistics report gives you an overview of your email marketing performance.

Date Filter

All of the Email Reports will be based on what you have set in this area.  Use the Start Date and End Date fields to define the period that you would like your reports to be based on, then click Update [Report] to apply it to the current report view.


The Email Statistics report also lets you select how you would like your graphs and tables to be grouped by - day, week, or month.


Summary Table

The Summary Table will show a report of different statistics on your Email Marketing based on the Date Range that you set above. See below for a description of each out those statistics.



The number of requests is the number of sent emails that were attempted.

Delivery Rate

The delivery rate is the percentage of sent emails that were actually delivered to inboxes. If you see that this percentage is less than 100% you may want to take a look at the Blocked, Bounced, Invalid, and Spam Email Reports to see each individual address that is not being delivered to and why.

Open Rate

The open rate is based on how many times your emails were opened. You might notice that this number can be over 100%. This is because it takes into account every time a recipient opens an email, not just the first time.

Click Rate

The click rate is a percentage that tells you how many successfully delivered campaigns registered at least one click.

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate represents the percentage of sent messages that cannot be delivered. Bounces can either be hard or soft. Hard bounces occur when delivery is attempted to an invalid email address, while soft bounces occur when the email server encounters an issue, such as a mailbox that has reached capacity.

Spam Report Rate

The spam report rate is the percentage of sent messages that are reported as spam by the recipient.


Based on the Start and End Dates that you have set you will be shown a graph plotting the number of email types against the “Group By” selection that you have made - either Day, Week, or Month.


Detailed Table

Below this graph you will be given a detailed table that is broken down by what you have selected in the Group By dropdown. This will give you the exact number of each statistic - Requests, Deliveries, Opens, Clicks, Bounces, and Spam Reports.


Download All as CSV

You can download the information from this table by using the Download All as CSV link at the bottom left hand corner of the table.

Blocked Emails

This is a report of emails that have been blocked by the recipient, or the recipient's ISP.

Bounced Emails

Bounced emails are either a permanent failure to deliver the email or a temporary failure to deliver the email, based on conditions with the recipient mail server.

RunSignup will list out all bounced emails based on the date range provided, and supply a reason for why the email bounced. It is a good idea to go through these addresses and update them in your email lists to improve your future deliverability rates. There are two types of bounces that are explained below.

Hard Bounces

A hard bounce is an e-mail message that has been returned to the sender because the recipient’s address is invalid. A hard bounce might occur because the domain name doesn’t exist or because the recipient is unknown. If a email is on the bounce list, we will auto drop any future requests to this email address.

Soft Bounces

A soft bounce is an e-mail message that gets as far as the recipient’s mail server but is bounced back undelivered before it gets to the intended recipient. A soft bounce might occur because the recipient’s inbox is full.

Invalid Emails

Invalid emails are any emails in your list that are not a properly formatted address. This means that they do not follow proper email formatting rules, or the domain is unknown. Usually this is a typo that you should update in your lists to improve deliverability rates.

IMPORTANT: If an email address is listed here, please add the correct version of the email to a custom email list.

Spam Reports

This report will show each instance of a message being reported as spam by the recipient.

Unsubscribed Recipients

This report will show each email address that has unsubscribed from an email list. You can re-subscribe a user by selecting the Resubscribe Recipient link to the right of their name.

You will also have the option to Add Email To Unsubscribe List, by entering the email address or addresses into the text box (separated 


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