View and Manage Photos

View and Manage Photos

Our Photos platform allows you as the race director to view photos, update bib tags, and delete photos.


To View Photos (Race Director View):

Go to the race dashboard, access the photos tab, and click View and Manage Photos


To Manage Bibs (i.e., remove bib tags for specific numbers or ranges)

Dashboard -> Photos -> View & Manage Photos

Note: You will need to update bib management for each location in use. For more information please take a look at our Photo Bib Management blog post:

To Add Photos nearby:
Dashboard -> Photos -> Photo Albums

Note: You have to have results in RunSignup for this. This automatically aligns the finish time with the time that is put onto each photo.

Click the actions menu on the finish line album to enable the finish line photos.

You will be prompted to select the result set that you want to enable finish line photos for. 

You will be shown a photo of participants from that event and asked to identify a bib number. Once you save the bib number, it will be tagged to the photo with the race estimated start time is automatically calculated.

You are able to choose another image if you can't see a bib number in the first provided photo.


Once this is enabled, you are able to configure the finish line photos to adjust the estimated start time as well as disable the feature altogether.


A Near Your Finish section will show on a participant’s photos page.


To Add or Remove Bib Tags by Individual Photo:

Dashboard -> Photos -> View and Manage Photos

Note: You can edit bib tags from either view; Advanced Mode is just easier.

You can switch over to the Advanced Mode using the tab in the top left corner.

You will select the image you would like to edit the bib tags for. The tags can be deleted by clicking the “X” next to the bib number. 


To add tags, you will just need to type the bib number you want to add.

To Add or Remove a Race or Sponsor Logo

Dashboard -> Photos -> Photos Setup

Simply choose to apply a sponsor or race logo watermark in either the lower left or right corners of your race photos as shown below.



Clear Photos and Watermarks

You can clear watermarks on photos you have uploaded in case you make a mistake or change sponsors by unchecking the watermark box and saving to start over. 
If you have switched sponsors, you can choose another sponsor logo from the list to use. 


To View Photos (Runner View):

Race Website -> Photos
Or, if you are using RunSignUp Results...
Race Website -> Results -> Search for Runner -> View Photos

To learn how to upload photos, please see this guide.

To learn how to set up custom photo albums, please see this guide

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