View Coupon Code Usage Details

RunSignup allows Race Directors to look up coupon code information for a runner, or view the usage information for your own knowledge

You can easily access this data by going to Financial > Pricing > Coupons


Individual Coupon Summary

Locate the coupon code whose summary you would like to view by finding the code manually in the list of coupon codes or by selecting the Search Button at the top of the page. 

Next, click on the specific coupon code link in the “Code” column of the table, and you will be taken to the “Coupon Summary” for that code.

Basic Coupon Information

At the top of the page will be your coupon code information. This includes the discount redeemable from this coupon. valid dates in which the coupon can be used, events this coupon applies to etc. 

To edit any of this information, please refer to the “Edit a Coupon Code” subsection of “How to Manage Coupon Codes”.

Coupon Usage Information

Also in the “Coupon Summary”, you can view various details pertaining to usage information.This begins with the “Number of Uses” for that particular coupon code, as well as the monetary equivalent to the “Total Discounts” redeemed by that coupon code.

The “Number of Race Registrations” and the “Number of Refunded Registrations” in association with that coupon code will be listed for you, as will be the “Number of Race Store Purchases”.

The “Number of Club Memberships”, the “Number of Refunded Memberships”, the “Number of Club Store Purchases”, and the “Number of Refunded Purchases” can also be found here.

Below that, you will find a table listing information on when the coupon was used, who used the coupon, what the total discount amount redeemed was from the coupon, and where the coupon code was used (Race Registration, Race Store, Club Registration, Club Store).


All of this information can be downloaded in the form of a CSV by clicking on the “Download All as CSV” link underneath the table.

Registrations Using this Coupon

In the final section of the “Coupon Summary”, you will find a table that breaks down all of the registrations that this coupon code has been applied to.You can learn when the coupon was used, which registrant had the coupon applied to their registration, which event that registrant signed up for, the current status of their registration (Active or Not Active), the event cost, what the total discount amount redeemed was from the coupon, the user’s processing fee, and the amount paid by the user.


Grouped Reporting

In addition to allowing you to view the usage information for individual coupon codes, you can also view statistics on various grouping of coupon codes.For more information on this topic, please refer to “How to View Coupon Code Reports”.


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