View Graphical Reports

View Graphical Reports

Graphical Reports

RunSignup provides numerous Graphical Reports to help you better visualize the progress of your race.  These include bar graphs, pie charts, and tables; some of which can be customized to suit your needs.  The information found in these reports can also be downloaded in their corresponding sections of the race dashboard.

Viewing Graphical Reports

To begin viewing Graphical Reports, you can go to the Reports tab of the race dashboard, open up the section for Participants, and then click on the subheading for Summary.


Here you will have the option to view Graphical Reports across All Events, by clicking on the large Graphical Reports button, or you can view Graphical Reports by Individual Event, by clicking on the link provided under each event.

In either case, Graphical Reports can be navigated in the same way.  Simply choose the Type of report that you would like view (Demographics, Overview, Transactions, Promotions, and Registrations), and then use the Select a Report: dropdown menu to pick a report.


There are several different graphical reports available for viewing in association with your race.


The Demographics section can help you to understand who is registering for your races, to better target captured market segments.

Under the Demographics section, you can view the following reports:

8ISieJIUE9MrwDXjgKNmSpxMI7X6yk3K5Q.png?1676670374 Registrations by Age:

By selecting Registrations by Age from the Select a report: dropdown menu, you can view a pie chart and table of the standard age groups your registrants fall into.

These categories are: Under 18, Ages (18 - 29), Ages (30 - 39), Ages (40 - 49), Ages (50 - 64), Over 65, and Not Set.

dD9mDYXopKRmXa5st2vm5iE6HFu4KNGZzg.png?1676670391 Registrations by Gender:

By selecting Registrations by Gender from the Select a report: dropdown menu, you can see a breakdown of your event's/events's registrants by their gender.  This will show Males, Females, or Unknown (if their gender was not indicated on their registration).

YsoNvJcPrHtPiCPRoCjtDC2CfPhD_zR9pQ.png?1676670407 Registrations by City:

By selecting Registrations by City from the Select a report: dropdown menu, you can see a breakdown of your event's/events's registrants by the city that they have listed as their address. This bar graph and table provides race directors with information regarding the top cities where registrants reside.

UmmDrJQIELCmf_gYWAmfYZYzKLGPguzcWQ.png?1676670426 Registrations by State:

By selecting Registrations by State from the Select a report: dropdown menu, you can see a breakdown of your event's/events's registrants by the state that they have listed as their address. This bar graph and table provides race directors with information regarding the top states where registrants reside.

8zS0UXLK74Z83ly8DyIebiYJziTdpF010A.png?1676670445 Registrations by Country:

By selecting Registrations by Country from the Select a report: dropdown menu, you can see a breakdown of your event's/events's registrants by the country that they have listed as their address.

IQXB_4rgLyw5wJIEjkK4upHLx5yOeq0ecQ.png?1676670463 Participant Heat Map:

By selecting Participant Heat Map from the Select a report: dropdown menu, you can view a heat-map is based on the number of registrations per zip code. When zoomed in far enough, the number of registrations is shown alongside the zip code. For example, '08057: 100' indicates that there were 100 registrations in the 08057 zip code.

Note: This heatmap only shows the top 1,000 U.S. based zip codes across your race. Data is cached for up to one day.

The Overview section helps you to learn where (on the web) participants come from, how effectively do your promotions convert to registrations, and how do your marketing campaigns impact your race’s web traffic and registrations.

Under the Overview section, you can view the following reports:

Lva3fpFMaoSKFOd22p8bXwFZFEmn4z0mag.png?1676670622 Overview Reports:

The Overview reports can be customized to show the Last 7 Days, the Last 14 Days, the Last Month, the Last Year, or a Custom Date Range.

The Transactions section allows you to generate drill down revenue reports and year-to-year transaction comparisons.  These reports can help you learn what your transaction totals were over the past 10 days, how your event’s revenue this year compares to past years’ revenue right now, and find out if your revenue is higher or lower than last year’s race.

The Promotion section allows you to track your promotion efforts and get insights on your return-on-investment (ROI), so that you can make data-driven decisions to effectively scale your customer engagement across multiple marketing channels.

Under the Promotion section, you can view the following reports:

AxHhWVNq-LifbMJrwWbWXs341mAjS-Acpw.png?1676671783 Loyalty Report:

The Overview reports can be customized to show the Last 7 Days, the Last 14 Days, the Last Month, the Last Year, or a Custom Date Range.

6zJCyPa6BFUxuW9SiBToE_-rwujGQU11Fw.png?1676671785 Referrals Report:

The Overview reports can be customized to show the Last 7 Days, the Last 14 Days, the Last Month, the Last Year, or a Custom Date Range.

PJgCqJgRlAK0PMEdajRP0Vs_daEnV4Ub9A.png?1676671787 Coupon Report:

The Overview reports can be customized to show the Last 7 Days, the Last 14 Days, the Last Month, the Last Year, or a Custom Date Range.

The Registrations section allows you to determine key points in the registration process and maximize your visibility at those moments, through strategic marketing and communication.

Under the Registrations section, you can view the following reports:

WfNe0GNOgK6H1garcQFB2DZg-EZdGT4uxQ.png?1676672115 Giveaways:

The Registrations reports can be customized to show the Giveaway report for individual events, events by year, or all events for all years of your race.  This will show you a bar graph and table which illustrate the overall quantity of each giveaway option, as well as the amount collected with each option if applicable.

S-OYNYP1GrTH0h8SDlprp6F7gxiu1rjMuQ.png?1676672108 Question Responses:

The Registrations reports can be customized to show the Question Responses report for individual events, events by year, or all events for all years of your race.  This report will break down the responses to registration questions in the form of a table and pie chart.

DaLTYKp3zB_RfDmkmC2c5MxYAyZ6hFR3qA.png?1676672101 Registration Periods:

The Registrations reports can be customized to show the Registration Periods report for individual events, events by year, or all events for all years of your race. This will allow you to view a pie chart and table depicting the total number of registrations in each registration window, where you can compare and contrast the different registration windows that you have for your events, and see how many people sign up in each window.

KQAf5gbvlbI9QhPP-wSV8WbFOOzCPX_PpA.png?1676672091 Revenue by Event:

The Registrations reports can be customized to show the Revenue by Event report for individual events, events by year, or all events for all years of your race.  A pie chart and table break down the total revenue collected from each event, allowing you to see which of your events bring in the most revenue for your race.

Hio1YWbld7exxDDpD9Aq0jjTU7F-gYp-xA.png?1676672086 Imported Registrations:

The Registrations reports can be customized to show the Imported Registrations report for individual events, events by year, or all events for all years of your race. The total number of imported registrants versus online registrants can be seen here as a pie chart, or in table form.

MJ3_q1gRzWXNyWg0dHSbCMXTIHaM1mROdQ.png?1676672081 Day of the Week:

The Registrations reports can be customized to show the Day of the Week report for individual events, events by year, or all events for all years of your race. This bar graph and table allows you to see which day of the week has seen the most registrations for your race. Locating trends in registration could be useful in deciding when to advertise during the week.

IOs1rAwgTdjYOd-v4p4JLc2FmN7IjIzCQg.png?1676672076 Time of Day:

The Registrations reports can be customized to show the Time of Day report for individual events, events by year, or all events for all years of your race. This will allow you to view a bar graph and table that illustrates the most common times of days for registering into your race. Locating trends in registration could be useful in deciding what time to advertise during the day.

_X2p-LY5UtsNCEJn8d6TsXTVEz25IGJryA.png?1676672070 Registrations Per Day:

The Registrations reports can be customized to show the Registrations Per Day report for individual events, events by year, or all events for all years of your race.  This will allow you to view a bar graph of your race’s registrations broken up by customizable dates.  This graph is a quick way to review the successfulness of a marketing campaign, Facebook post, tweet on Twitter, etcetera.

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