View & Manage Store Orders

View & Manage Store Orders



Table of Contents

Searching Your Store Orders

Downloading Your Store Order Report

Managing Individual Orders

Refunding Orders


If you have setup a store for your race, RunSignup allows you to view and manage the store orders from your race dashboard. This includes viewing detailed order reports, managing canceled orders, and refunding orders.


Store related pages and reports will only show you store items available through your race, they will not show you any information pertaining to giveaways or add-ons.


To view and manage store orders, you will go to Store >> Orders.



Searching Your Store Orders


Your store orders page by default will show the most recent purchases from your store at the top from the current year. To search for a specific order, click the orange search button to open the search menu and customize your search criteria.




You can search by name, email, order ID, email address, a specified range of dates, and order status.




There are eight status options you can use when searching your store orders.


All-- All store orders regardless of status

Non Archived-- Store orders that are not yet archived

Active-- All non-cleared orders that haven't had the status edited

Shipped-- Store orders that have been marked as shipped

Cancelled-- Store orders that have been cancelled

Archived-- Store orders that have been archived

Cleared within 15 Minutes-- Store orders that were cleared by the customer within their 15 minute clear window

Non-Cleared-- All store orders that were not cleared by customer within 15 minutes of their transaction





After clicking Search button to update the report, you can click on the purchase number to view and manage the store order.








Downloading Your Store Order Report


You can download your store report by going to Store >> Orders and clicking the Actions button. 




There are four download options to choose from:


Download All as CSV-- Ignores the search terms you entered in the search criteria and creates a CSV of every store order purchased for your race, including previous years. Items will be grouped together by purchase number.

Download All as CSV (Line per Item)-- Separates each item by purchase number and within that purchase number each item type and option, if available, will appear on its own line. This will include orders from previous race years.

Download Search as CSV-- Creates a report of store orders that matches the search criteria entered. Items will be grouped together by purchase number.

Download Search as CSV (Line per Item)-- Separates each item by purchase number and within that purchase number each option type and option if available will appear on its own line.





Managing Individual Orders


After searching for the store order and clicking on the purchase order number from your store report, you can then manage it. This is done by clicking the Actions button on the store order details page.





There are four ways to manage a store order.


Mark as Shipped-- Indicate that the item has been shipped to the customer with the option to include notes.

Issue a refund-- Refunds the store order purchase for the customer.

Cancel Purchase-- Cancels the store order purchase with the option to include notes. The customer is not refunded. If you want to refund and cancel an order, do not use this option. Instead use the refund option because it will allow you to cancel the order during the refund. 

Archive-- Archive a store order to view later.






Refunding Orders


A store order can be refunded by going to Store >> Orders, clicking the purchase number and then the Actions button on the order details page.






You will then click Issue Refund.




This will allow you to customize the refund settings for the order. The refund can't be more than the purchase balance of the store order. You are able to issue multiple refunds if necessary. 


To use this, set the refund amount to the amount that you would like the customer to receive as a refund. This will also show you the amount that your race will be charged for the refund, which will be taken out of your refund reserve.


You can also cancel the order at the same time as refunding it by checking the cancel order box. It is not required to cancel the order in order to refund it. 


The sales tax isn't included in the total refund amount that is listed. You can fill in the sales tax refund amount section so that the amount of sales tax to refund can be computed. If this is left blank, we will refund the least amount of sales tax possible.



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