View Volunteer Reports

Report Summary

Volunteer report summary can be found by selecting Volunteers > Report > Summary

The Summary Report lets you view your overall progress in meeting your Volunteer goals. The report shows you how many Volunteers are needed vs. how many have signed up, and quickly lets you know if more Volunteers are needed or if the Task is fully staffed.




Volunteer reports can be found by selecting Volunteers > Report > Report


The Volunteer Report will let you:


  • Manage Volunteers

  • Download a CSV of all Volunteer data

  • View a customized “per task” report

  • Search by name or email for a Volunteer record


To manage Volunteers, whether it is to edit personal information, switch them from one Task to another Task, or remove them as a Volunteer.


To do this, click “Manage” in the far-right column of an individual record.


You will be able to resend the Volunteer confirmation email, edit any of the data fields, or switch Tasks:


You can also add notes about the Volunteer, or completely remove them from a Task (rather than re-assigning them to a different Task).

To download a CSV of all Volunteer data, scroll to the bottom of the Report page and click “Download as CSV.”


To view a customized “Per Task” report, click the green “Per Task Report” button at the top of the page under Report.


Each Task will show the Volunteers, and allow you to export as a CSV file, or click on individual records to manage.


You can easily locate a specific Volunteer’s record by using the Search tool at the top of the Report page. You can search on First Name, Last Name, or Email.

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